Updater class that will perform simulation during FixedUpdate(). This is the most physically correct updater, and the one to be used in most cases. Also allows to perform substepping, greatly improving convergence
Updater class that will perform simulation after WaitForFixedUpdate. Use this for simulations that require animation data as input, such as character clothing. Make sure to set the Animator update mode to "Animate Physics"
Updater class that will perform simulation during LateUpdate(). This is highly unphysical and should be avoided whenever possible. This updater does not make any accuracy guarantees when it comes to two-way coupling with rigidbodies. It is only provided for the odd case when there's no way to perform simulation with a fixed timestep. If in doubt, use the ObiFixedUpdater component instead.
Base class for updating multiple solvers in parallel. Derive from this class to write your onw updater. This grants you precise control over execution order, as you can choose to update solvers at any point during Unity's update cycle.