float | CalculateLength () |
| Calculates and returns current rope length, including stretching/compression. More...
void | RecalculateRestLength () |
| Recalculates the rope's rest length, that is, its length as specified by the blueprint. More...
void | RecalculateRestPositions () |
| Recalculates all particle rest positions, used when filtering self-collisions. More...
void | RebuildElementsFromConstraints () |
| Regenerates all rope elements using constraints. It's the opposite of RebuildConstraintsFromElements(). This is automatically called when loading a blueprint, but should also be called when manually altering rope constraints (adding/removing/updating constraints and/or batches). More...
virtual void | RebuildConstraintsFromElements () |
| Regenerates all rope constraints using rope elements. It's the opposite of RebuildElementsFromConstraints().This should be called anytime the element representation of the rope is changed (adding/removing/updating elements). This is usually the case after tearing the rope or changing its length using a cursor. More...
ObiStructuralElement | GetElementAt (float mu, out float elementMu) |
| Returns a rope element that contains a length-normalized coordinate. It will also return the length-normalized coordinate within the element. More...
delegate void | ActorCallback (ObiActor actor) |
delegate void | ActorStepCallback (ObiActor actor, float stepTime) |
delegate void | ActorBlueprintCallback (ObiActor actor, ObiActorBlueprint blueprint) |
void | AddToSolver () |
| Adds this actor to its solver, if any. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
void | RemoveFromSolver () |
| Remove this actor from its solver, if any. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
virtual bool | CopyParticle (int actorSourceIndex, int actorDestIndex) |
| Copies all data (position, velocity, phase, etc) from one particle to another one. More...
void | TeleportParticle (int actorIndex, Vector3 position) |
| Teleports one actor particle to a certain position in solver space. More...
virtual void | Teleport (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) |
| Teleports the entire actor to a new location / orientation. More...
bool | ActivateParticle (int actorIndex) |
| Activates one particle. More...
bool | DeactivateParticle (int actorIndex) |
| Deactivates one particle. More...
bool | IsParticleActive (int actorIndex) |
| Returns whether a given particle is active. More...
virtual void | SetSelfCollisions (bool selfCollisions) |
| Updates particle phases in the solver at runtime, including or removing the self-collision flag. More...
virtual void | SetOneSided (bool oneSided) |
| Updates particle phases in the solver at runtime, including or removing the one-sided flag. More...
void | SetSimplicesDirty () |
| Marks simplices dirty. More...
void | SetConstraintsDirty (Oni.ConstraintType constraintType) |
| Marks a given constraint type as dirty. More...
IObiConstraints | GetConstraintsByType (Oni.ConstraintType type) |
| Returns the data representation of constraints of a given type being simulated by this solver. More...
virtual void | UpdateParticleProperties () |
| Call when some particle properties have been modified and need updating. More...
int | GetParticleRuntimeIndex (int actorIndex) |
| Returns the index of this particle in the solver arrays. More...
Vector3 | GetParticlePosition (int solverIndex) |
| Given a solver particle index, returns the position of that particle in world space. More...
Quaternion | GetParticleOrientation (int solverIndex) |
| Given a solver particle index, returns the orientation of that particle in world space. More...
void | GetParticleAnisotropy (int solverIndex, ref Vector4 b1, ref Vector4 b2, ref Vector4 b3) |
| Given a solver particle index, returns the anisotropic frame of that particle in world space. More...
float | GetParticleMaxRadius (int solverIndex) |
| Given a solver particle index, returns the maximum world space radius of that particle, in any axis. More...
Color | GetParticleColor (int solverIndex) |
| Given a solver particle index, returns the color of that particle. More...
void | SetFilterCategory (int newCategory) |
| Sets a given category value for all particles in the actor. More...
void | SetFilterMask (int newMask) |
| Sets a given mask value for all particles in the actor. More...
void | SetMass (float mass) |
| Sets the inverse mass of each particle so that the total actor mass matches the one passed by parameter. More...
float | GetMass (out Vector3 com) |
| Returns the actor's mass (sum of all particle masses), and the position of its center of mass. More...
void | AddForce (Vector3 force, ForceMode forceMode) |
| Adds an external force to all particles in the actor. More...
void | AddTorque (Vector3 force, ForceMode forceMode) |
| Adds a torque to the actor. More...
void | ResetParticles () |
| Resets the position and velocity of all particles, to the values stored in the blueprint. More...
void | SaveStateToBlueprint (ObiActorBlueprint bp) |
| Resets the position and velocity of all particles, to the values stored in the blueprint. More...
void | ClearState () |
virtual void | LoadBlueprint (ObiSolver solver) |
| Loads this actor's blueprint into a given solver. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
virtual void | UnloadBlueprint (ObiSolver solver) |
| Unloads this actor's blueprint from a given solver. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
virtual void | PrepareFrame () |
virtual void | PrepareStep (float stepTime) |
virtual void | BeginStep (float stepTime) |
virtual void | Substep (float substepTime) |
virtual void | EndStep (float substepTime) |
virtual void | Interpolate () |
virtual void | OnSolverVisibilityChanged (bool visible) |