| ObiTetherConstraintsBatch (ObiTetherConstraintsData constraints=null) |
void | AddConstraint (Vector2Int indices, float maxLength, float scale) |
override void | Clear () |
override void | GetParticlesInvolved (int index, List< int > particles) |
override void | Merge (ObiActor actor, IObiConstraintsBatch other) |
override void | AddToSolver (ObiSolver solver) |
override void | RemoveFromSolver (ObiSolver solver) |
void | SetParameters (float compliance, float scale) |
int | GetConstraintIndex (int constraintId) |
bool | IsConstraintActive (int index) |
bool | ActivateConstraint (int constraintIndex) |
bool | DeactivateConstraint (int constraintIndex) |
void | DeactivateAllConstraints () |
void | RemoveConstraint (int constraintIndex) |
void | ParticlesSwapped (int index, int newIndex) |
ITetherConstraintsBatchImpl | m_BatchImpl |
List< int > | m_IDs = new List<int>() |
List< int > | m_IDToIndex = new List<int>() |
int | m_ConstraintCount = 0 |
int | m_ActiveConstraintCount = 0 |
int | m_InitialActiveConstraintCount = 0 |
override Oni.ConstraintType | constraintType [get] |
override IConstraintsBatchImpl | implementation [get] |
int | constraintCount [get] |
int | activeConstraintCount [get, set] |
virtual int | initialActiveConstraintCount [get, set] |
abstract Oni.ConstraintType | constraintType [get] |
abstract IConstraintsBatchImpl | implementation [get] |
int | constraintCount [get] |
int | activeConstraintCount [get, set] |
int | initialActiveConstraintCount [get, set] |
Oni.ConstraintType | constraintType [get] |
IConstraintsBatchImpl | implementation [get] |
2 floats per constraint: maximum length and tether scale.
compliance value for each constraint.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Blueprints/Constraints/Batches/ObiTetherConstraintsBatch.cs