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Forum: Obi Rope
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20-09-2024, 11:25 AM
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Can I attach particeattac...
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16-09-2024, 12:42 PM
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  Particles in cloth get stuck in collider
Posted by: interwound - 11-10-2017, 02:56 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (3)

I'm resetting the cloth every x frame with:

//On start
cloth.PullDataFromSolver(ParticleData.POSITIONS | ParticleData.VELOCITIES)

//On reset
cloth.PushDataToSolver(ParticleData.POSITIONS | ParticleData.VELOCITIES)

What I'm seeing is when trying to pull the cloth with a handle after reset a particle has a very large mass (19200). Doesn't happen every time but enough.

Included some potentially relevant screenshots.

Thanks for the help!

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  Compound colliders in 3.2
Posted by: CageyKG - 09-10-2017, 11:54 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)


Looking at the documentation, it appears that prior to ObiRope 3.2, an ObiColliderGroup was used to specify colliders considered for the simulation, but now the ObiCollider component is added to specific objects instead. This does seem easier, but I'm running into problems setting up objects in my scene that have multiple colliders on them. If I attach an ObiCollider to, say, a desk that has 3 box colliders to represent its shape (a top and two sides), the ObiCollider seems to pick just one to represent as its physics source. Adding multiple ObiColliders doesn't seem to have the desired effect, either. How do I go about having an object represented by multiple colliders fully interact with the rope simulation without having to split it into multiple sub-objects or having to manually script the instantiation/assignment of ObiColliders to each collider component?

Thanks in advance!

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  OBI Rope and VR
Posted by: TSREI - 09-10-2017, 05:42 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

I am trying to use OBI Rope in a VR environment but when I have multiple ropes in a view it tends to eat up the FPS pretty bad and makes it hard to keep the FPS above 90. With out the ropes active I can get up to 120fps but as soon as I add in 1 rope it goes down to about 95 FPS and each added rope continues to lower the FPS. I have about 10 ropes in the view total and when they are all active the frames will drop to 60-70 FPS. Any ideas on what I can do to improve the performance to not make the frames tank so much?

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  Pin Constraint Parameters are ignored on Android
Posted by: Acacus - 09-10-2017, 11:55 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)


I'm building a game for iOS and Android and I'm trying to integrate Obi Rope with it.

The progress was just great in the Editor but once I deployed a simple test to the Android device I noticed that all the Pin Constraints are being ignored when the scene started. I thought that there might be something wrong in my configuration so I went back and deployed the FreghtLift scene which is included in the Sample_Scenes (without any changes). But I also got the same result when I run it on the Android device. I've checked the value of ObiSolver.pinConstraintParameters.enabled at runtime on the device and it was true.

Please check out this recorded video for FreghtLift scene. The video shows how the platform falls immediately once the scene starts running on the Android device.

Any idea what is going on? is there any special configuration that I need to take it into my consideration before I deploy the game to Android or iOS device?

Many thanks,

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  Manual tearing via cript
Posted by: Kalidor - 09-10-2017, 10:29 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (21)

How do i tear the rope manually via script at one certain particle?

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  Compatibility with Morph3d MCS characters
Posted by: aidesigner - 08-10-2017, 03:21 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

Will Obi Cloth work with a Morph3d characters, which seem to dominate the asset store.  Here is a post on the Morph3d thread anticipating Obi Cloth problems, and that they should collaborate with you.

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  obi cloth passes through the mesh collider
Posted by: unityfrtech - 07-10-2017, 06:12 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (3)


I am trying to drape the clothes on to the human mesh. Mesh collider and obi collider is added to the human body. obi cloth component is added to the garment. But the clothes has a minor collision and just passes through the body. Please refer the attachment if needed.


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  Pinch cloth two colliders
Posted by: interwound - 07-10-2017, 04:21 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (3)

Hi guys, looking to know how I should approach "pinching" cloth by two cube colliders coming together in a pinching motion. Tried jacking up the stickiness and friction but it stills slides out between the cubes.


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  Preparing character for Obi cloth
Posted by: aidesigner - 06-10-2017, 06:03 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

As I dig into the details I want to again thank you for such impressive work. I am fairly new to modeling (Maya) and have some questions about preparing Model/Clothes to work with Obi Cloth. I am creating my character with a trenchcoat from scratch (Using CharacterCloth manual as a guide). Forgive me in advance if the questions stray toward modeling.

-I assume I need to make a common rig for trenchcoat/character (Using Maya). This association of meshes to bones is what I believe causes Unity to add SkinnedMeshRenders in both meshes upon import (Obi requirement). Is this the correct approach to add cloths (i.e. Maya), as opposed to no skinning or Wrap Deformer tool.

-The CharacterCloth example has a separate skinned mesh for the character and trenchcoat. The unity characters for optimal performance manual page emphasizes that multiple skinned meshes is not desired. Is this a real issue that you just accept if you want clothing to move. I assume Unity Cloth has the same requirements.

-In your CharacterCloth example does it hurt performance to show parts of human mesh that are always covered by trenchcoat (ie. back)? Honestly I do not know how to correct this issue if it is a concern.

-Out of curiosity what exactly keeps the characters leg from going through the trenchcoat tails if he kicks backward. Is it Obi cloth simulation or is it inherent in the skinned mesh, because I assume the legs due not influence the trenchcoat. Really asking to get a better picture of how all the pieces work.

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  ObiColliders used by ObiSolvers simulating in local space cannot be shared
Posted by: MrBeam - 06-10-2017, 02:58 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

Hi! I love your work. Great stuff!

I have multiple characters, duplicates of the same prefab, in my scene with cloth and colliders, and get this message:
"ObiColliders used by ObiSolvers simulating in local space cannot be shared by multiple solvers.Please duplicate the collider if you want to use it in other solvers."

The solver is on the root of the character and the agents are childs to the solver, as soon as I have two in the scene I get this.
I don't want the colliders to be shared by different solvers, so can I ignore the message?

Everything seems to work as intended, should I just comment the warning out. Or is there a correct way to do something here that I don't understand?

Thank you!

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