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Fluid emitter stuttering ...
Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: josemendez
33 minutes ago
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Obi with Polyspatial for ...
Forum: Obi Softbody
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4 hours ago
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Reduce oscillation or bou...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: vrtraining
20-09-2024, 11:25 AM
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Can I attach particeattac...
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: josemendez
20-09-2024, 09:47 AM
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Fixed timestepping
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18-09-2024, 01:39 PM
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contact.stickImpulse alwa...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
18-09-2024, 11:24 AM
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Obi Cloth Renderer Layer
Forum: Obi Cloth
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18-09-2024, 11:06 AM
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Cloth material change on ...
Forum: Obi Cloth
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17-09-2024, 07:18 PM
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Destroying GameObjects im...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
17-09-2024, 02:25 PM
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Streo Rendering mode
Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: josemendez
16-09-2024, 12:42 PM
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  Fluid under pressure simulation
Posted by: capofalcone - 06-10-2017, 02:35 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (1)

congratulations for the plugin, it seems really great!
I'd like to use it for an educational project I have, where we need to show children how blood circulation works inside our body.
We want to develop a quick game where children have to connect "pipes" and then switch on the pump (heart) to see how circulation works in the circuit they built.
Do you think I could do something like this using Obi Fluid? Any idea / suggestion on how to do it? I don't have gravity to work with, but pressure.
I'm also wondering how I could build the pipes (artery veins) to let the fluid flow into.

Thank you very much for any reply.

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  Relation beteewn emitter scale, radius scale and emitter radius
Posted by: Claudio80 - 06-10-2017, 10:39 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (1)

i was wondering of which relationship there is beetwen these 3 parameters,
i need to scale the emitter to a bottle but everytime i touch one parameter all my work perish because the liquid is totally fucked up, nothing works even if i do that on the faucet test scene.
The point is, i'm sure i'm doing something wrong i'm totaly new on unity, but how i can obtain the same result i have in the faucet test scene in a smaller scale?

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  Compare to Unity Cloth
Posted by: aidesigner - 05-10-2017, 04:38 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

Thank you for this amazing product with an outstanding implementation. I am currently interested in putting a jacket on my character like your CharacterCloth scene. In general I would like to better understand the advantages of ObiCloth over UnityCloth, so I can harness all the power.

-For clothing can you highlight some advantages/disadvantage over UnityCloth? For example I think Obi can use mesh collider and looks better(In what way?), with same performance. The big advantage of Unity Cloth is that it potentially works on all platforms, which leads to next question.

-Can I use both Unity Cloth and Obi Cloth? The idea would be for Console/Web (Obi=Disable, UnityCloth=Enable) and for other platforms (Obi=Enable, UnityCloth=Disable). Does this sound like a good idea, but it does add a lot of work?

-For unsupported platforms will everything just work as if Obi was not included? It would be nice if Obi was somehow excluded automatically on unsupported platforms. Alternatively do I need to make different prefabs or something for different platforms that exclude Obi.

-A few general key differences of ObiCloth and UnityCloth. This may be helpful for other readers as well.


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  Installation issue on Unity 2017.1
Posted by: aidesigner - 05-10-2017, 02:58 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

Just purchased Obi Cloth and imported into an empty project (Windows 10). I received 2 types of errors, and the dll error vanished after restart. Then I had case sensitivity errors (Images below). I have seen this before with another asset, where .MAT files were all caps but the meta files where Camel case. I deleted all the meta files and they came back all caps. As a result everything is working, but I would like to know what is happening for the future? Perhaps all caps needed to be avoided for some reason.

Import errors:
[Image: obi_error1.jpg]

Case sensitive errors:
[Image: obi_error4.jpg]

File explorer:
[Image: obi_error3.jpg]


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  Moving Rope in 3.2 (Unity 2017.1.1)
Posted by: ContrarySchol - 04-10-2017, 11:27 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (4)

In the previous version of obirope (3.1) we moved the rope by disabling the entire gameobject, moving the rope to where it needed to be, and then re-enabled it.

Currently in 3.2, this method does not work, with the rope reacting unpredictably (wild/erratic movements) whenever we re enable it.
This movement only takes place for the first few seconds after we enable the rope, before it stabilizes.

Is there a better method to move the rope as of 3.2?

Currently we are also having issues with using the local position of the rope, when we choose to simulate in local space then the pin constraint moves incredibly far away almost instantly, which results in deformation once again.

This solution was for when a simulated rope's parent object was moved relative to other objects (player on a moving platform) and we are currently unable to fix this issue as well.

Many thanks.

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  Jittery GameOject when attached to rope
Posted by: virror - 04-10-2017, 07:44 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

Hello, and great product!

Im trying to make a "snake cam" kind of thing in a VR game, where you have the LCD display in one hand, and the camera in the other hand and a rope that connects those together.

My setup loks like this:

with one end pinned to the "CamPart" and the other end pinned to the "JointOrigin". When the SnakeCamera just sits in the scene with kinematic turned of the rope behaves well, but the "CamPart" that hangs on the end jitters like crazy shaking and rotating.

See here:

How can i solve this? Also when grabbing the SnakeCam with one hand (the main part) it kind of goes nuts and the "CamPart" just seems to fly away somewhere.


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  achive cloth physics with two custom meshes
Posted by: unityfrtech - 04-10-2017, 02:45 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (3)


I am trying to achieve cloth physics between two custom meshes in the process of draping the clothes on human. I am trying to achieve the same as in first 5 seconds in this video link "". In this process i am facing difficulty in making my custom cloth behave as the obi cloth. Please help me out in this issue.

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Triste Obi rope, parenting and unity physics is not working
Posted by: Jusvalt - 04-10-2017, 12:03 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

Hi all,

My deadline is so close and i am lost with this problem..

I use obi rope as safety rope in climbing VR (Vive) simulation. Other end of the rope is "pin constrainted" to the top of the cliff, other end is "pin constrainted" to the game object named carabine (obi collider) and that game object is child of the body of my player avatar (rigidbody with gravity and obi rigidbody). When I jump down from the cliff, obi rope is affect to my player's rigidbody and vise versa. Everything is working just as I excepted.


I need to attach the other end of the rope (carabine) (make it child of the player's body) AFTER the game start. And this causes issues. Obi rope is no longer affect to my player body rigidbody physics and rope stretch infinity until player is falling to the ground.

This is the problem:

I CAN use code and make game object (carabine) to child of the player's body only in awake function and everything is fine. But when I do this in start function or during gameplay, obi rope is not affect my player's rigidbody.

Yes, I can use fixedjoint on carabine and attach carabine to the players body instead parenting, but that's not what I want and it is not working right either. The joint breaks the connection so easily even if joint's breakforce is set to infinity. There is something that I cannot understand..

This is my game object hierarchy:

In start:
-Player body (rigid body with gravity, obi rigidbody)
-obi rope (pin constrainted to the "carabine" and other end to the "cliff hook")
-cliff hook

when player attach the rope to his harness (parenting via code):

-Player body (rigid body with gravity, obi rigidbody)
-obi rope (pin constrainted to the "carabine" and other end to the "cliff hook")
-cliff hook

So why obi rope is not affected to it's parent's rigidbody when parenting the game object (which is pin constrainted to rope) during gameplay using a code but everything is working fine when it is allready child of the parent when the game starts or parenting it using code in awake function? This must be something like obi ropes initialize issue. How can I fix that?

And is this a bug or something?

So sorry of my English and messy explain, but I really need help to this problem as soon as possible.. So please..  Huh

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  Obi Suit - Questions about cloth in characters
Posted by: Rettosukero - 04-10-2017, 09:28 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (12)

Hello there!
I am planning to make suit on character with simulation that will make nice wrinkes and will react to character underneath.
I wish to check your demo scene with guy with long coat but it's broken.

I am trying to work on UnityChan instead.

I figured out some stuff. That scale of simulation have to be same as object and about numbers of particles in obi solver.

But I am afraid about mesh. UnityChan has sleaves with thickness. As well as my suit. No matter who do I try i cannot make inner part of mesh don't flow over outter mesh. I got confused with what influance moving backwards and what option shows how much mesh can run forward.

I am trying to make mesh less and less stiff (following rig) closer it gets to exit of sleave. But it's all flows like some jelly not like cloth. Paiting weightes is weird here.

Why I am here:
How to make mesh with thickness work good. Or maybe we should remove inside mesh in places where it's not seen.
How can I smooth weighes alongside mesh
I wish to have nice wrinkles in places where cloth curves.
Will that backstop radius enough or I need colliders for stuff like pants.
How to make it not act like jelly.

Thanks a lot!

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  Application.Quit() causing build using rope to crash (Unity 2017.1.1)
Posted by: ContrarySchol - 03-10-2017, 11:30 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)

Currently having issues with quitting based on the rope, where the build just hangs without closing properly, then transitions to not responding.

Documentation does not explicitly mention having to destroy the rope manually, is there something we're missing?
We've previously tried the system process killing method, but aren't sure about it as it has a reasonable chance to not actually close the process itself.

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