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Fluid emitter stuttering ...
Forum: Obi Fluid
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Obi with Polyspatial for ...
Forum: Obi Softbody
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Reduce oscillation or bou...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: vrtraining
20-09-2024, 11:25 AM
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Can I attach particeattac...
Forum: Obi Cloth
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20-09-2024, 09:47 AM
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Fixed timestepping
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Forum: Obi Rope
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Obi Cloth Renderer Layer
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Forum: Obi Cloth
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17-09-2024, 07:18 PM
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Forum: Obi Rope
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17-09-2024, 02:25 PM
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Streo Rendering mode
Forum: Obi Fluid
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16-09-2024, 12:42 PM
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  Equipping Obi cloth.
Posted by: sriky - 18-10-2017, 07:47 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (4)

Hello there,
I just purchased Obi cloth and very excited to build using the same. As per the videos, the possibilities look amazing. I am working on a project where I need to build a bunch of Obi clothes or objects(guns to hang around by the belt etc). In the game, users can swap the clothes or objects and I am not sure how this can be implemented using Obi cloth. Any suggestions would be really helpful.


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  ObiCloth performance issue
Posted by: stevenwan - 18-10-2017, 10:53 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (10)

I found that ObiSolver ate a lot of CPU. I have tried to disable most of the Obi script but still no luck. I think the cloth mesh is just simple coat. Any advice?

My spec:
GeForce GTX 970
16GB ram

Unity 2017.1.2f1

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  Does new update have any freedom for tight knot
Posted by: chanddu - 17-10-2017, 10:45 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

Hi jose,
Chanddu again,I got your rope update and thanks for the update, I was trying the rope for knot which will be used in my suturing thread simulation,Can I use this????

Thanks in Advance.

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Exclamación ObiRope crashes
Posted by: Evgenius - 17-10-2017, 07:05 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (5)


I get these crashes in random moments when I expend a rope. Could you help me to find out why? Sometimes it doesn't crash and sometimes does, but I can't find why.
Answer from support:

Quote:At first sight, the crash happens in a method called "Generate". The only method in our library with this name is not used for ropes, but for cloth, and only in editor. This is quite weird as rope should not be even remotely calling this method.
But the problem still exists.

I'm using version 3.2 of rope and 2017.1.0f3 version of Unity and I'm not using any cloth.
Logs are in archive here.

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  Sticking cloth on object in VR
Posted by: mbbmbbmm - 16-10-2017, 02:56 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (7)

Hello, I have a few questions! I am trying to achieve the following for a VR project (I'm using HTC Vive and Leap Motion):
I want to grab a texture object that uses the Obi cloth simulation and place it on a mesh object. The mesh object optionally has been changed before that so that it is necessary to update its mesh collider once. After the object is placed it should be possible to slide the texture/cloth over the object while still having cloth and mesh object stick together. In the end the cloth object should be frozen and optionally a new texture/cloth comes in - taking the old one out of the calculations to save performance etc.

1 For now I have put two handles on the upper corners of the cloth to grab it and place it. Could I turn these handles off after being done with the rough placement? Also it would be much more convenient to be able to grab the cloth anywhere so I wouldn't need dedicated handles. Is there something like temporary handles that could react to the grabbing gesture of the leap motion? Can I directly influence the positions of particles that are in a certain range of the hands?

2 How can I recalculate the Obi collider of the object from its mesh collider? I think I saw something in the API using the ColliderGroup, but this doesn't seem to exist anymore.. At the moment I just add a new collider once the mesh is ready - but I am not sure if that is a good solution... also the cloth seems to jump each time I do that. It doesn't bother me too much, just want to make sure if this would be expected behaviour.

3 Regarding the surface sliding I think I would need to have an Obi collision material that is very sticky with a small stick distance (so it doesn't stick to quickly) and also a low friction value. Then use Friction Combine Minimum and Stickiness Combine Maximum. Does that sound about right?

4 How many iterations of the distance constraints would be OK for VR? Maybe 20 or 30? With the default the cloth enters the mesh a little too frequently..

5 And a final question: There will be a lot of different combinations of objects and cloth textures coming in one after another. But only one combination would be active at a time. What would be the best way to set this up regarding performance and memory? Can I pool all the mesh objects and texture/cloth objects and have them share one Solver? Or would it be better to instantiate them from prefabs and/or have a different solver for each cloth texture object?

Thank you!

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  How to create stiff softbodies?
Posted by: Qwertzus - 13-10-2017, 10:53 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)

Hi there!

Can you give me some advice which constraints and values I have to tweak to achieve more stiffness in cloth simulation?

Like shown in this video (0:43):

The best I could get is this :/
[Image: stiffest.gif]

Thank you in advance Sonrisa

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  Can I Change the material to like rubber?
Posted by: nelluard - 13-10-2017, 08:54 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (6)

Greeting for Everyone who reads this thread.

First, I apologize for the inexperienced English.

I bought the OBI Cloth, was amazed at its outstanding performance.
(I Created Vertex Animation with Unity physics. but that is Garbage.)

I want to create an object that restoration after Physical Collision.(like rubber)

Which parameter should be modified?

and Is there a page with a description of the parameter?

Thank you for help me.

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Bug Problems with Physics with terrains
Posted by: LandscpePerform - 12-10-2017, 07:09 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (1)


I am building a custom terrain editor in-game and we are using obi fluid to demonstrate water.

When a fluid particle hits a sheer cliff made with a terrain, the speed gets multiplied and bounces back relative to the height of the heightmap at that point and the normal, this causes a shotgun effect and sends particles flying across the scene at a very high speed.  The taller and sharper the cliff side, the faster they go. 

If you happen to have a sharp drop ditch, they just bounce each off the walls and get even faster.

I believe I have a workaround by lowing the Collision Constraint SOR Factor to a very low number and limiting the height of the heightmap, so I dont think it is a big issue for me right now, but this is limiting when you give a user access to the terrain tools in-game.

Here's a video that shows the issue.


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Exclamación Fluid Render Material Modification
Posted by: x-lab - 11-10-2017, 03:16 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (11)


I recently purchased all Obi solutions, and out of the Box, only few example Scenes were working as shown in the video.
But anyway, after reading some documentation I was able to enable particle rendering. However, right now I was hoping to see and use fluids with the same textures seen in the videos (semitransparent glossy fluids).
I already red the Documentation regarding Obi Fluid Renderer.
But so far only particles show up.
I already tried modifying the Color Material and Fluid Material in the Obi Fluid Renderer, but so far it's doing nothing.
Am I missing something here?
Before I leave a review, I trust you could help me out achieving what I bought your product for, please?

Thank you,

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  Android Stability Issues
Posted by: mimarilker - 11-10-2017, 08:23 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (3)

Fluid solid interaction is not performed on Android, particle ignores the geometry. The first line of particles get attached each-other instantly. I get jittering and strange results during simulation, so do you have any solution for that? Btw, the same app in any iphone device work flawless without any failure.

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