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Fluid emitter stuttering ...
Forum: Obi Fluid
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Obi with Polyspatial for ...
Forum: Obi Softbody
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6 hours ago
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Reduce oscillation or bou...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: vrtraining
20-09-2024, 11:25 AM
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Can I attach particeattac...
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20-09-2024, 09:47 AM
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Destroying GameObjects im...
Forum: Obi Rope
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17-09-2024, 02:25 PM
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Streo Rendering mode
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16-09-2024, 12:42 PM
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  How to code function to get collided gameobject?
Posted by: skywaver - 27-10-2017, 09:09 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

Hello. Thanks for nice physic plugin.

I need to detect gameobject which collides with Obi cloth, Obi tearable cloth.

I searched and found this:


I'm not skilled on Obi cloth, so can I ask how to code function to get collided gameobject?

Thanks in advance SonrisaSonrisa

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  Obi Rope Not colliding with themselves
Posted by: aaamarkin - 26-10-2017, 09:34 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (6)

Hi, I have a problem with ropes not colliding with each other.
I wanted to reproduce this behaviour from working example
I've tried setting different layers to ropes,
I've experimented with solver distance, collision, particle collision and bending constraints iteration.
I've changed resolution from 0 to 1 and vice versa.
But all I've got is following Not working version

Solver params:
[Image: efY70m]
Rope params:
[Image: cVxT6R]

What correct settings should be to recreate behaviour?

Thank you.

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  Cloth phasing through itself
Posted by: kamikaze425 - 26-10-2017, 08:28 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (11)

Just transferring this over from the Unity Forums:
I tried the proxy with a lower poly mesh, and it definitely did not look right. Luckily, with the nature of the poster, I can switch to the lower poly version when using the cloth part because it simply falls to the ground after being clicked.

My other issue is with the cloth phasing through itself. Is there a particular reason for this?

Just some info: My goal is to have the poster fall to the floor. That all works fine. It's just how the poster looks once it has fallen that is the problem.

Arkano responded with:
"If you're simulating a poster, I'd ditch the mesh you are currently using and use a regular homogeneous plane with a cutout texture. There's no need to model all the small details at the edges of the poster using geometry -in fact that's very very bad practice both from a rendering and a simulation point of view-.

Regarding the poster pasting trough itself: have you enabled self-collisions (checkbox in the ObiCloth inspector)? also, take a look at your particles using the particle editor: select all particles and set the property selector to "radius". Particles can only collide with each other, and your mesh topology looks like it has large gaps between vertices in some zones (trough which particles can pass even with self-collisions on), and large amounts of vertices clumped together in others (which is a waste of resources)."

So in response to Arkano:

We already got all our art assets and it was contracted out, so I can't really change it too much. I threw it into blender and decimated it a lot to get less than 250 polys. That helped with the lag problem for sure.

So I do have self collisions enabled, but I don't seem to have particles (vertices) in the center area, but I'm not an artist at all. So I'm not entirely sure how to get this working. There aren't really any particles that make sense for increasing the radius.

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Bug Help on configuring Obi Rope to simulate sewing.
Posted by: ploom - 26-10-2017, 12:38 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (5)


Just want to start by saying I really like Obi Rope, it performs excellently and I can see a lot of potential in the platform.

Now for my issue: I am trying to simulate sewing, like thread and needle sewing. I am just having some difficulty with configuring the rope to look and feel like thread (or dental floss). To clarify, currently my Obi Rope is stretchy, bouncy, and too fluid. When I move the needle (with thread pinned to it), I need the thread to have 0 stretch, 0 bounce, and stiff enough that simple movement like up-down or left-right does not make the thread jiggle like a wet noodle. And of course, it should have enough bending that will allow for tying relatively tight knots, but that is less of a priority than the thread movement itself.

What are some options to play around with? Or at least which options should I avoid or disable completely to get rid of stretch, bounce, and spring, and add stiffness?

Thank you very much!

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  Skin Constraints in reverse way?
Posted by: Snail831 - 25-10-2017, 08:37 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)


I am trying to use Skin Constraints for my creatures' "skin dynamics", not for "clothing dynamics." I played around a couple of hours with it and found that it is rather for character's clothing than for skinning.
If we could set "backstop" and "backstop radius" outside of the skin, it would enable us to emulate some kind of animal skin:
Skin Radius - maximum distance of skin sinking
Backstop Distance & Backstop Radius - for prevention skin from infration

By having this feature in the system, we would be able to poke dead animals. I don't know if who would like doing it though. Lengua
If you guys add a single bool to existing Skin Constraints as a reversal switch, I think it is enough to implement this feature.

If this sounds reasonable, please think about adding this feature to the update.

If I miss something and you think it is doabl with already existed functions, let me know, please.

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  Linux Support?
Posted by: interwound - 24-10-2017, 08:27 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - No Replies

Wondering if there's any hope to get this running on linux? I know it's not officially supported, how difficult a task would it be to get it running?

Current error:

DllNotFoundException: libOni
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Oni:ClearDiffuseParticles (intptr)
  at Obi.ObiSolver.SimulateStep (System.Single stepTime) [0x00000] in <5b2c721b9bd3464196c12adb5cc12229>:0
  at Obi.ObiSolver.FixedUpdate () [0x00026] in <5b2c721b9bd3464196c12adb5cc12229>:0

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  Android vs Ios
Posted by: mimarilker - 24-10-2017, 08:20 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (15)


I have built same application for both android and ios without changing anything. While, iphone 6 shows very high performance with ObiFluid, even samsung s8 with very high spesifications doesnt show the quarter performance of iphone6. I think there should be sth wrong with Obi android library ( not sure how to say). I really apreciate if you advice sth for this problem. Maybe, the library for android can be changed, I dont know really. Lastly I should note that, you are amazing and really interested in every problem that I mentioned. Thanks for your support.

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Posted by: Loft3411 - 23-10-2017, 07:44 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (6)


I have users experiencing an intermittent crash while using Obi rope. They have a build running on a machine that crashes about twice
an hour. I have 3 ropes in a Oculus VR scene along with 3 separate obi solvers. I'm unable to reproduce this, so I'm sending you guys the crash dump to see if you may have some insight.

I'm using Unity 2017.1.0f3 and Obi Rope 3.2




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  Obi Fluid 3: Obi Solver Modes
Posted by: mimarilker - 21-10-2017, 08:19 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (3)


I am trying to change ObiSolver Component's/ Parameters/ Mode to "2Dmode" or "3Dmode" with different buttons during gameplay. Actually with a script I was able to change it, however it just changes Parameters/ Mode dropdown menu in apparent, it doesn't effect the solver in real. On the other hand, when I try to change it from the Mode - dropdown directly during the gameplay (without script, just mouse click), it works surprisingly. Is there any other method?

This is the code line that I used:

public ObiSolver solver;
solver.GetComponentInParent < ObiSolver> ().parameters.mode = Oni.SolverParameters.Mode.Mode3D;

Thanks for your support (I have sent this via email before, however it may be helpful for others, so I have decided share my problem here, too).

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  are custom forces supported?
Posted by: alex_ilin - 21-10-2017, 02:51 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (3)

Hi guys,

I want to buy your plugin, to port existent fluid-based game to Unity.
I have several questions:
- can I apply a force to a particle (for ex. i will have a sensor collider and all particles inside it should be accelerated by the force)
- is it possible to implement a friction like behaviour when particles slows down when touching some collider
- is it possible to directly change position/velocity of the particle (for ex. to implement teleport functionality)
- is it possible to add my own collisions solver with complex geometry object (i think it will be faster than your mesh collider), it will be an addition to your current collisions solver
- do you use your own rigid bodies physics or you use Unity rigid bodies?

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