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Forum: Obi Rope
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Yesterday, 10:35 AM
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Garment explodes on Andro...
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: CptnFabulous
19-12-2024, 07:16 AM
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Calculating and Reproduci...
Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: ZacharyP
18-12-2024, 05:49 PM
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Null Reference, actor not...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
13-12-2024, 12:39 PM
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Issue with Grasping ObiRo...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
12-12-2024, 12:00 PM
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Changing extruded rendere...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: aderae
10-12-2024, 07:35 PM
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Baking a rope is causing ...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
10-12-2024, 11:06 AM
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Barrier belt - changing l...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
10-12-2024, 10:42 AM
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Path editor gizmo's appea...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
10-12-2024, 09:50 AM
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Problems when using multi...
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: Cat3Man
09-12-2024, 03:17 AM
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Material look to lava |
Posted by: aldo_manetti - 30-10-2017, 05:29 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid
- Replies (2)
Hi, I bought the obi fluid and it works really well.Bu t I have 2 doubts in which I would like a guide.
-To the liquid I need to give it a look like lava, is there a way to add textures to the material? to achieve a similar result:
- What is the best way to activate the fluid, I currently have a prefab off and active when I need it to start to drain, but it does not work, it will not render particles, but they exist in the editor (like a gizmo mesh)
many thanks
Connect two objects |
Posted by: elfinik - 27-10-2017, 12:40 PM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (3)
I'm doing the game using obi physics, but after studying the documentation, I could not connect the two objects with a rope with the result I needed.
I need to connect two points so that when the platform bends turned, the cube falls forward. I tried to adjust the distance, mass and stuff, but nothing happened.
Points are selected through the script
Code: localOPB.AddConstraint(0, firstTarget.GetComponent<ObiCollider>(), firstTarget.InverseTransformPoint(firstPoint), 0);
Code: localOPB.AddConstraint(105, secondTarget.GetComponent<ObiCollider>(), secondTarget.InverseTransformPoint(secondPoint), 0);
Pre-Sale Question |
Posted by: Rexima - 27-10-2017, 09:10 AM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (1)
I dont know if this product fit my need's so i want to ask some questions.
- Is it possible to create the Rope in Runtime not only Editor Mode?
- Can i connect two GameObjects which have maybe an Rigidbody attached?
- Can i extend the Rope in Runtime, for example the player holds one end of the rope and walks to extend it to X meter?
- When the Rope is to long, can it be roll up?
- Can the Rope tear, when the carried object is to heavy?
- Is it possible to sync it over the network?
Cloth phasing through itself |
Posted by: kamikaze425 - 26-10-2017, 08:28 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (11)
Just transferring this over from the Unity Forums:
I tried the proxy with a lower poly mesh, and it definitely did not look right. Luckily, with the nature of the poster, I can switch to the lower poly version when using the cloth part because it simply falls to the ground after being clicked.
My other issue is with the cloth phasing through itself. Is there a particular reason for this?
Just some info: My goal is to have the poster fall to the floor. That all works fine. It's just how the poster looks once it has fallen that is the problem.
Arkano responded with:
"If you're simulating a poster, I'd ditch the mesh you are currently using and use a regular homogeneous plane with a cutout texture. There's no need to model all the small details at the edges of the poster using geometry -in fact that's very very bad practice both from a rendering and a simulation point of view-.
Regarding the poster pasting trough itself: have you enabled self-collisions (checkbox in the ObiCloth inspector)? also, take a look at your particles using the particle editor: select all particles and set the property selector to "radius". Particles can only collide with each other, and your mesh topology looks like it has large gaps between vertices in some zones (trough which particles can pass even with self-collisions on), and large amounts of vertices clumped together in others (which is a waste of resources)."
So in response to Arkano:
We already got all our art assets and it was contracted out, so I can't really change it too much. I threw it into blender and decimated it a lot to get less than 250 polys. That helped with the lag problem for sure.
So I do have self collisions enabled, but I don't seem to have particles (vertices) in the center area, but I'm not an artist at all. So I'm not entirely sure how to get this working. There aren't really any particles that make sense for increasing the radius.
Help on configuring Obi Rope to simulate sewing. |
Posted by: ploom - 26-10-2017, 12:38 AM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (5)
Just want to start by saying I really like Obi Rope, it performs excellently and I can see a lot of potential in the platform.
Now for my issue: I am trying to simulate sewing, like thread and needle sewing. I am just having some difficulty with configuring the rope to look and feel like thread (or dental floss). To clarify, currently my Obi Rope is stretchy, bouncy, and too fluid. When I move the needle (with thread pinned to it), I need the thread to have 0 stretch, 0 bounce, and stiff enough that simple movement like up-down or left-right does not make the thread jiggle like a wet noodle. And of course, it should have enough bending that will allow for tying relatively tight knots, but that is less of a priority than the thread movement itself.
What are some options to play around with? Or at least which options should I avoid or disable completely to get rid of stretch, bounce, and spring, and add stiffness?
Thank you very much!