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Overlapping Obi Colliders...
Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: Nyphur
Yesterday, 01:09 PM
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Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: Nyphur
Yesterday, 10:39 AM
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Randomness in solvers
Forum: Obi Softbody
Last Post: josemendez
26-09-2024, 11:32 AM
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Backface URP Material
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: vrtraining
26-09-2024, 11:30 AM
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Can I get help?
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: josemendez
25-09-2024, 09:07 AM
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Fluid emitter stuttering ...
Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: Nyphur
24-09-2024, 11:43 PM
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Fixed timestepping
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24-09-2024, 08:57 AM
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Reduce swinging of cloth
Forum: Obi Cloth
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24-09-2024, 08:49 AM
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FluXY Dye
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Can I apply multiple blue...
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: josemendez
24-09-2024, 07:40 AM
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  'Free-Fall' mode for Rope
Posted by: basilfamer - 02-10-2017, 05:52 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (3)

Is there any way to set a rope to not stretch at all and to extend more rope whenever it's pulled? A mode where there is never any strain or tension, and the rope is in a free-fall state, where even gravity will pull on the rope. It's also important to be able to turn this mode off without a sudden spring-back behavior in the rope.

- I've tried using a temporary Obi Handle for the end of the rope, and set the rope's length to the distance between the rope's start & end before disabling the handle; but this didn't help with the spring-back problem.

- I've also tried increasing the rope's length any time the strain (calculated using Rope.CalculateLength() / Rope.RestLength) passes 1. This however was not stable or precise, which made it unfavorable.

This is currently the one thing stopping me from being able to use Obi in my product & it would make my day if I could find a solution for this.

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  ObiRope Disabling
Posted by: brad404 - 01-10-2017, 10:04 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (12)

Hi I'm wondering if someone could help me.

I read somewhere that in the new 3.2 version I can disable the ObiRope component to keep some performance when it's not needed. The problem is that when I re-enable the component the simulation/collisions no longer work, although the static mesh is preserved.

I am using Unity v 2017.1.0f3. Any help would be appreciated.

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  Scripting Collisions
Posted by: moltek - 01-10-2017, 07:52 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (4)

This line returns an error, has solver.colliderGroup been changed from the time of creating the example script?


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  Varius question's on obiFluid
Posted by: Claudio80 - 29-09-2017, 03:46 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (7)

Hello everyone i've bought obifluid last week so i'm totaly noob about using it.
i've some problems:

1) i've created a bottle made of glass that shatter in pieces when collide whit other elements, on collision the emitter speed is set to 3.1f from 0 and create a little pool of fluid the problem is that the pool is to small and "bidimensional" i need a larger pool of liquid, any suggestion on liquid settings? (look at screen 1 for results)

2)I need to create a wine looking liquid, is it possible? what setting i should use?

3)I have realy big performance issues, all the computer's in my company run core i7 cpu's and one in particular run a 7th gen i7 and a gtx 1080 but frame rate is terrible whit more than 1000 particles.

thank you in advance and best regards.

Screen whit stats (1fps)


Dx diag

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.txt   DxDiag.txt (Size: 29.71 KB / Downloads: 3)
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  Destroy particle on collision
Posted by: Kalidor - 29-09-2017, 10:50 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (13)


It's me again Guiño.

I want to kill a particle on collision.
How can i handle that?

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  Collision detection via script / disable force
Posted by: Kalidor - 28-09-2017, 11:24 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (4)


1. Is it possible to request collisions via script (like OnParticleCollision)?
2. The particles shouldn't add force to other rigid bodies. Is it possible to disable it?

Thank you!

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  Static ropes possible?
Posted by: Sauerkraut - 26-09-2017, 07:58 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (4)

Hi - I am considering Obi Rope for a VR game - I am intending to have a lot of "ropes" - some interactable through physics and the player's hands - Obi's capabilities of which are well publicised, but also a lot of static ones (eg. electric wires running along walls, connecting puzzles etc) which never need to be interactable.

Obi seems like a great way to create realistically accurate ropes / cables which drape along other meshes / trees / walls / terrain. However for those ropes / cables etc which are static - is there a way to set up Obi-ropes using the physics to drape the rope around other objects at design time initially, then once they are in the correct position obtain just the mesh of the rope's generated skin and discard the particles for performance reasons? Or is it possible to completely disable the physics so that for static ropes this does not take up unnecessary processing power? The latter would be preferable, as that would allow modification to the ropes as the game is being designed / terrain changed / etc.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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  Rope distance from attached object
Posted by: dignifiedweb - 26-09-2017, 04:48 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (3)


I love your rope asset so far! I was wondering, is there a way to get the rope snug up against the collider? I followed along with your youtube tutorial to make a rope attached to a cube, but using all defaults, my cube is a considerable distance away from the rope at runtime. When I add the Pin Constraint (pinned to object) on the bottom rope particle, it automatically adds an offset in the Y access. I noticed, if I drop that Y access down a bit, it brings it closer to the collider. In the tutorial, it also mentioned adjusting the distance in the solver itself, I did that as well, but no impact for some reason. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Here's a screenshot:
[Image: LQqp9Hj.png]

Youtube tutorial I followed

I can also provide you the scene if needed, let me know. If I revert to defaults, it is the same result I have found.

I should note: I pinned the top particle to the top cube instead of pinning in place, which is what was done in the tutorial.

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  Obi rope ends
Posted by: Parker - 25-09-2017, 11:01 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

How can we get the rope end/start prefab and change Color or material during runtime.

When you attach a start and/or end prefab to the rope startprefab or the endprfab. We want to change material on the ends how can we get a handle or reference to the instantiated end

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  How to make small size continous water stream?
Posted by: sunyifeng83 - 25-09-2017, 04:17 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (2)

Hi jose,

I still have a problem. I want the water flow down from faucet continously and smaller. But if i made the EmitterShapeDisk smaller. If just one stream. The stream can't continously flow down. If there is any way to make small size continous stream? Now the streams flow down have gaps. 

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