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Forum: Obi Rope
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  Non-uniform spacing of verts
Posted by: John Krajewski - 17-05-2018, 10:36 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

I have a problem where the rope hanging from the end of my crane swings like a penduluum, but I want it to have some stiffness so as you rotate the crane it doesnt sway so much.  The rope starts at the tip of the crane arm.

I'd like to put two verts close together right at the top of my rope, so I can enforce a low-bending cable running off the end of a crane (see picture).
Alternatively, having the ability to pin 'angle' and not just 'position' would work too. 

Anyways to accomplish this?

Thank you!

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  Rope "drag" and PullDataFromSolver
Posted by: Agrerim - 17-05-2018, 10:35 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)


I'm using Obi for a 3D grappling hook function (similar to you 2D example, but in 3D).

I have tweaked the values for the weight of my player rigidbody, for the rope and for the ObiSolver a lot, and I'm beginning to be pretty happy with the result. I still have one big problem:

If my player comes with some speed and shoots the rope in front of her, she still has some speed forward. This means she moves a bit while the rope is generated (whic takes around 3 frames on my computer). This I've tried to compensate for by creating a proportionally smaller rope. Also the rope is generated still (i.e. with no velocity), while she is in movement. The result is that the rope, when it appears, is formning a backward bend, behind her, and starts to slow her down from some kind of drag.

I first guessed this drag was because of some constraints, so I minimized bend constraint and increased "slack" to maximum. This made the rope a bit more "ugly", because it bent too much, but still no huge improvement. So I thought perhaps the player had too little mass to drag the rope. I increased the mass from 1 to 10, and it helped a bit, but instead the rope acted more elastic. Also, I want other objects to be much heavier than the player, so I don't like to have her too heavy. I changed that back, and came up with the idea, that perhaps I just need to set the particles start speed to the same as the player from the beginning! This way, they shouldn't drag behind her and slow her down.

The problem is that this seems to cause som unpredicted results. For one, the whole rope seemed to get a little bit crazy (but perhaps this is something I can tweak). But the other problem is that the fixed particle which keeps the far end of the rope in place, starts moving too. I read on this forum that this may be because even a particle with inverse mass 0 will move, if you set its velocity to some value. So I tried to exclude this particle, by getting the mass of all particles and avoid giving velocity to the one with inverseMass > 0.

Strangely, if I Debug.Log () all the particle masses I don't get any one with a different mass. They all have mass 10.

float[] masses = new float[1];
masses[0] = 0;
Oni.SetParticleInverseMasses (rope.Solver.OniSolver, masses, 1, rope.particleIndices[rope.UsedParticles - 1]);
// The above part works in game!

rope.TetherConstraints.RemoveFromSolver (null);
rope.GenerateTethers (ObiActor.TetherType.AnchorToFixed);
rope.TetherConstraints.AddToSolver (null);
// The above part, I'm not sure if it works. Sometimes the rope does not seem to be thethered. Is it correct? I can't see tethers in the editor.

// Set start velocity of particles:
Vector3 velocity = GetCurrentVelocity ();

yield return 0; // I added this row, just in case the SetParticleInverseMasses needs a frame to take effect.

rope.PullDataFromSolver(ParticleData.VELOCITIES | ParticleData.INV_MASSES);

if (rope.isActiveAndEnabled && rope.InSolver)

for (int i = 0; i < rope.velocities.Length; i++) // (I noticed you use ++i - why? Does that not increment before running the first loop?)
  if (rope.invMasses[i] > 0.01)
   rope.velocities[i] = velocity;
   Debug.Log ("Particle " + i + " has mass " + rope.invMasses[i]);

For a short rope, with just 3 particles, this gives the result:

Particle 0 has mass 10
Particle 1 has mass 10
Particle 2 has mass 10
Particle 3 has mass 10
Particle 4 has mass 10
Particle 5 has mass 10
Particle 6 has mass 10
Particle 7 has mass 10
Particle 8 has mass 10
Particle 9 has mass 10
Particle 10 has mass 10
Particle 11 has mass 10
Particle 12 has mass 10

I guess the 10 extra particles are the pooled ones, not in use at the moment? But why is there no one with another mass?

As you see in my code, I even tried adding a "yield return 0", just in case it takes a frame for the fixed particles mass-change to take effect.

The fixed particle does work as expected and is completely still in the game, so the player can hang from it. If I visualize it in the editor (during paused game), however, it says it has a mass of 0.1.

I can't get my head around this! Do you have any idea?

Perhaps another solution would be to lower the mass of all particles to 0,01? But I do think giving them a start speed would work best, and be most realistic. Perhaps a start speed which varies gradually from the players speed in the player-end and 0 in the stuck end. Or do you have another idea for how to prevent this?


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  How to select the obi rope by mouse click?
Posted by: cowill - 17-05-2018, 02:58 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (4)

Hi, everyone. I create some obi ropes in my game, then I need select them by mouse click (Input.GetMouseButtonDown) in game window, such like using Physics.Raycast to know whether mouse click on the rope , however the conventional way does not work . Any one help to solve this problem? Thanks a lot.

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  Reseting Simulation
Posted by: dsimovski - 16-05-2018, 02:23 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)


Obi Cloth is a great Package!
I have a simulation that i want to reset at runtime. How do i achieve that ? Guiño

yours Damir

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  Rope position delay from parent
Posted by: VirtualCucumber - 15-05-2018, 07:57 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (12)

[Image: 979klqD.gif]

If i change the simulation order off of Fixed Update it will snap properly but need it to interact with other physic objects properly.

Any advice?

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  When I refer Mesh at OnPreRender() of Camera, Unity Editer Crash.
Posted by: tomonori - 14-05-2018, 04:44 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)

Hello all.

I found the crash of Unity Editer.
My enviroment are follows.
Obi Cloth version is 3.3.1.
Unity version 2017.2.0f3.
PC OS is Windows10 64bit.

When I refer Mesh at OnPreRender() of Camera, this issue will happen.
Moreover error.log says "Unity.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)" & "Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.".
My PC Memory has enough space.

The Simple way for Reproduction is follows.

Use Obi Cloth Sample Scene named "CharacterCloth.unity" in "Sample Scene" directory.

Attach the following Script into "Main Camera".


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class MeshTest : MonoBehaviour
    void OnPreRender()
        MeshRenderer[] meshrenderers = Component.FindObjectsOfType<MeshRenderer>();
        SkinnedMeshRenderer[] skinnedMeshRenderers = Component.FindObjectsOfType<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

        foreach (MeshRenderer r in meshrenderers)
            Mesh m = r.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
        foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer r in skinnedMeshRenderers)
            Mesh m = new Mesh();

Click the Play Button.

Probably you can see the Crash of Unity Editer.

Does anyone know how can I fix this issue?

Attached Files
.cs   MeshTest.cs (Size: 643 bytes / Downloads: 1)
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  Obi cloth does not properly work for models stitched to an existing skeleton.
Posted by: cubrman - 13-05-2018, 06:03 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (33)

I "stitch" newly created skinned models for my main character to an existing skeleton in my Unity project using a script. That is the only way I know how to attach a new model to my skeletaly animated character. Unfortunately adding Obi cloth to such models makes the plugin work with bugs: editing points gets bugged because the plugin thinks that the points are still located where the initial cloth GameObject was, assigning parameters to points is impossible and I am pretty sure self-collision with other skinned meshes on the recipient skeleton is not working either. I have created a Unity 2017.2 project with a scene that has everything set up for stitching a model to an existing skeleton, to stitch the model - just right click on a "Stitcher editor" script located on a "Shirt" GameObject in the "Bug scene" ("Scenes/Bug scene") and choose "Stitch skinned mesh".

Link to a screenshot:

Link to the project:

Please try it out and tell me if there is a workaround for such case.

P.S. Jesus guys this forum tech is a mess. I had to attach my file from the google drive and screenshots are impossible to embed. Such a shame to have such poor forum for a HQ product like Obi.

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  Collision with my character won't work.
Posted by: Skweejji - 13-05-2018, 05:14 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

I can't for the life of me get my collision to work with my character. I have a cloak on the character that is using Obi Cloth. Collisions are enabled in my solver, my collider is on a seperate layer from my cloth, I have the correct layer selected in my solver for collisions. I need saving.

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Exclamación Obi Fluid - Job Offer
Posted by: lidiamartinez - 11-05-2018, 11:31 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - No Replies

We just found this offer in UpWork in case you are fluent with Obi Fluid   :-)

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  Add External force to Fluid Particle
Posted by: Renzo - 10-05-2018, 05:57 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (1)


I want to add an external force to all particles on the screen, could you help me sending a script.

thank you


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