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Forum: Obi Rope
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Towel simulation in Quest
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: josemendez
14-06-2024, 02:27 PM
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Cloth curtain
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: balaji.v
14-06-2024, 12:32 PM
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Dynamic Rod Attachment Pr...
Forum: Obi Rope
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14-06-2024, 08:58 AM
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13-06-2024, 06:18 PM
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Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: kripa1415
13-06-2024, 09:37 AM
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Cannot generate a bluepri...
Forum: Obi Softbody
Last Post: Gustorvo
12-06-2024, 08:54 PM
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Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: Xingrui Wang
12-06-2024, 11:34 AM
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DIINotFoundException when...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: orangefire
12-06-2024, 06:29 AM
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Rope connected 3d object ...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
10-06-2024, 10:42 AM
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  Unity 2017 OBI Fluid and Leap Motion Hand Controller
Posted by: FlorianP - 08-06-2018, 11:04 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (3)

Hi everyone,
I have bought the OBI Fluid Package on the AssetStore and it works pretty well with the example scenes. Now I want to add my Leap Motion Hand Controller to the scene, to interact with the Fluid Emitter.

I added a box collider to the hands and recreated the FaucetAndBucket-Example of the bucket. So I added also an rigidbody, obi collider and so on. But there is no collision with the hands.

I hope you can give me some advice to achieve my goal.

Thx in Advance
Florian P.

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  Moving ObiCollider
Posted by: ipislar - 08-06-2018, 10:01 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)

Having a moving obicollider while spawning in obirope causes a crash

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  Increase elasticity of a cloth without loosing its shape
Posted by: Poupi - 06-06-2018, 10:09 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

Hi !
I started playing with Obi Cloth a few days ago, and I'm trying to make some kind of jelly with a highly elastic feeling, like Elastic Man  . I can't find any settings that would help me to do that without loosing the original shape of my object by changing the Stretching Scale value on the Distance Constraints. I tried to mess around with some values in the code but nothing seems to work well, and often breaks the simulation.

Video capture with Stretching Scale to 1 :

Video capture with Stretching Scale to 0.2 :

I want to have the shape shown in the first video with the physics of the second one (without the condom shape  Astuto ). This is probably the only cloth I'll have in the scene so it's ok if I have to change some settings directly in the code that could affect the whole behavior of the engine.

Thanks for your insights !

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  Fluid is gone in all scenes
Posted by: veelox - 06-06-2018, 06:54 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (4)

I've been making many changes to my project for a couple of weeks... not all of them have been committed to git or documented. Unfortunately, I just noticed a severe issue with Obi Fluid in my project. Fluid will not render in any scenes in my project, not even in Obi's own sample scenes. The only thing I've seen that can kind of get the fluid to show up is by checking Render in an Obi Particle Renderer in one of my scenes. But even that made it so that the fluid only shows up in the sky, which makes no sense to me. Moreover, I cannot see the fluid in the Scene tab; only in the Game tab.

I am very confused by all this... I must have altered some kind of setting which affects how fluids are emitted or rendered or something. Where can I look to determine the root cause of this issue?

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  DLL Access Violation
Posted by: KleptoLizard - 31-05-2018, 11:16 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

Hey there.

I'm experiencing numerous crashes both of the Unity Editor and of the built executables.
When I load a scene with a simple Fluid Jet simulation, it crashes to desktop about 50% of the time.
When I try to build with that scene open, it crashes every time.
Finally when the executable is built (by ensuring that I'm on a MainMenu scene when building), it crashes when it enters the scene with the Fluid Jet.

I tried to attach the crash.dmp and error.log to this post but it says that type of attachment is not allowed.
It gives the same message when I try to attach a rar archive.
Thanks in advance for your help.

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  Bugs with cloth collision detection
Posted by: OrwellVR - 31-05-2018, 10:39 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)

We are a studio developing a VR soccer game, and after upgrading the project to unity 2018.1.0f2 we found out the soccer net is having some inconsistent behaviour.
Basically it stopped being an actual collider (the balls just pass through it) but sometimes it moves the net anyway.
It was working properly before the upgrade, we already double checked the phase, collision layer, reinstalled plugins and unity, and tried to bump up the collision iteration, but it doesn't seem to change anything.
The net has a small number of polys (168 vertices created from the obi mesh topology) to work well with the vr limitations, but it shouldn't have problem with collisions, since we used this method for a lot of other iteration of this project.
Also moving to 2018 showed some strange errors in the console, saying that ObiParticleBaker and ObiParticleRenderer doesn't exist even if their component seems to work properly.

We are close to a deadline and we really could use some help or customized support, let me know if you need to have more information or you need a light sample of the scene.


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  what to do to make fluid shaders
Posted by: sazatai - 30-05-2018, 12:36 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (2)


I'm not well in programming, but would like to know about shaders.
What I want is simple looking like below.
  > Better rendering
There described blue and orange nice looking.
Could you let me know what to do in details to get these shaders?
(using 3D fluid)


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  Holes in the mesh corners when using proxies
Posted by: Sewy24 - 28-05-2018, 01:30 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (16)


first of all, great asset!

I am currently trying to integrate Obi cloth to our project and I am dealing with this problem:
- 1. When I create a box-like mesh on the pic1, and using proxies to simulate only one side, there is a little distortion of lengths at the corners (any bigger angles) pic2. 

- 2. When I create the same box-like mesh in the curved shape (in proxy, I simulate the "inside"), in simulation, the edges are unwelded and there are holes at the corners ((any bigger angles)  pic3 (only example, it can happened next to the pinned or next to the unpinned as well). This is always happening on the same position (until re-initializing, then it can move somewhere else)
(Both meshes are not skinned.)

- 3. When applying the same to the trenchcoat from your demo (switching the Skinned Mesh Renderer to Mesh Renderer to have the same state) there are no holes (only distrotion from 1st bullet occures)

The 1st bullet is not much an issue so far (though if you have solution for the edge distortion, It would be perfect)
2nd bullet is a big issue as you can see, we cannot use it in that state. It's best visible on the curved meshes.

Please, do you have any idea, where the problem is? The meshes are basic and were created in 3D max - box and extruded half-cylinder .
All cloths have the same Solver and same parameters.


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  Errors building for Android
Posted by: danblack - 28-05-2018, 11:09 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (6)

I've just purchased and imported AbiRope but I can't get it to build, either the demo scenes or an empty scene with one piece of rope added. I am trying to build for Android using Unity version 2018.1.0f2 on Windows 10.

I get the following errors : 
Shader error in 'Standard (Backfaces)': '_LightCoord' :  no such field in structure at Assets/Obi/Resources/ObiMaterials/UnityStandardCoreBackfaces.cginc(415) (on gles)

Compiling Vertex program with UNITY_PASS_FORWARDADD SPOT

Shader error in 'Standard (Backfaces)': '_LightCoord' :  no such field in structure at Assets/Obi/Resources/ObiMaterials/UnityStandardCoreBackfaces.cginc(503) (on gles)

Compiling Vertex program with UNITY_PASS_FORWARDADD SPOT

Shader error in 'Obi/Particles': '' :  non-square matrices not supported (3x1) at Assets/Obi/Resources/ObiMaterials/ObiEllipsoids.cginc(83) (on gles)


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  Question regarding Obi's performance in VR
Posted by: Shade - 22-05-2018, 04:38 PM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hi all,

I'm new here (also new to Obi). I recently used ObiCloth for my VR project. I do have a few quick questions:

  1. Does ObiCloth (or any other Obi) utilize multithreading? If so, could someone point me as to where it is implemented?
  2. I'm thinking about getting Obi Fluid as well for my VR project, but before I do, has anyone tried using it for VR? Is it fast enough to be used (with minimal settings)?

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