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FluXY Dye
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Fixed timestepping
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Reduce swinging of cloth
Forum: Obi Cloth
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Can I apply multiple blue...
Forum: Obi Cloth
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Burst Error
Forum: Obi Cloth
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Fluid emitter stuttering ...
Forum: Obi Fluid
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Obi with Polyspatial for ...
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Forum: Obi Rope
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20-09-2024, 11:25 AM
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Can I attach particeattac...
Forum: Obi Cloth
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20-09-2024, 09:47 AM
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contact.stickImpulse alwa...
Forum: Obi Rope
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18-09-2024, 11:24 AM
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  Move fluid based on device orientation - ObiSphericalForceZone?
Posted by: p3gamer - 01-11-2018, 03:46 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (5)

I am trying to move fluid around when I tilt/rotate the device. I tried adjusting the gravity in the solver (ie. change y value from -9.81f to 9.81f when device is upsideDown), but that didn't seem to work. I am looking into ObiExternalForce, in particular (ObiSphericalForceZone), but I am not sure how to implement this after I added the component to the emitter.

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  Generating emitters on scene programatically
Posted by: ddematheu - 29-10-2018, 08:02 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (1)


I have been playing around with ObiFluids for a game I am making. I am having some trouble being able to programatically create emitters actors on the scene. I followed the procedure found here: (

Using the procedure in that link I am running a co-routine inside my Update function to create an emitter at certain points in time (checking for previous co-routine to finish before starting next)

The only additional step I added to the procedure in the link is:
Array.Resize<ObiParticleRenderer>(ref Camera.main.GetComponent<ObiFluidRenderer>().particleRenderers, Camera.main.GetComponent<ObiFluidRenderer>().particleRenderers.Length+1);
Camera.main.GetComponent<ObiFluidRenderer>().particleRenderers[Camera.main.GetComponent<ObiFluidRenderer>().particleRenderers.Length-1] = emitterCreated.GetComponent<ObiParticleRenderer>();

to add the particle renderer to the camera.

The emitter is created on the scene yet no fluid are emitted.

I get the following error: 
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Obi.ObiActor.PushDataToSolver (Obi.ParticleData data) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Actors/ObiActor.cs:385)
Obi.ObiActor.AddToSolver (System.Object info) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Actors/ObiActor.cs:278)
Obi.ObiEmitter.AddToSolver (System.Object info) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Actors/ObiEmitter.cs:125)
Obi.ObiActor.Start () (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Actors/ObiActor.cs:150)

I am reusing the same solver for all the emitters created. 

I can post full code but it is basically the one from the link.

Any help is appreciated.

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  Scripting Electric Cable Force on Obi Rope
Posted by: phys_modeler - 25-10-2018, 10:38 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)

Hi everyone.  I am considering purchase of the remarkable Obi Rope to do some custom physical modeling in Unity, and wanted to ask a question.


Model the self-generated motion of a set of electrical cables, via Obi Rope


1.  I'd model a set of connected ropes, Obi via stitch constraints.

2.  Then I'd like to treat some of the ropes as "electric cables", in the sense that they will produce a scripted magnetic force on each other.

3.  I'd like to script the force in a C# method that iterates over each Obi particle in those "electric cables", to produce the mutually-induced net magnetic force on just those cables.

4.  When the net magnetic force is calculated, I add it to other forces, and model (1.) moves an increment under the net force.

5.  I loop the method of (3.) to see the evolution of the shape of the connected ropes over some timeframe.

6.  Changing "current":  I increase some Inspector property value to alter current in (3.), hence the force, to see how it changes the evolution of the shape.

Questions / Notes:

To perform method (3.), is it possible to set and get all Obi particle properties of model (1.) from within a C# script method?   Or is there a different way to add a custom physics force?

I don't need real-time performance; even something that updates rope positions once a minute would be ok.


Thanks for any thoughts.  If such custom physics sim is generally feasible, I'll purchase and just give it a shot.

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  2D Rotate Z-Axis Fluid falls Out
Posted by: p3gamer - 25-10-2018, 03:01 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - No Replies

I have a cup sprite with an EdgeCollider2d attached. After Obi Fluid particles are in the cup, I then rotate the cup (z-axis) (about 5-10 degrees) and I notice that the particles fall out. Is there a setting that I need to modify to prevent this?

Thank you.

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  slow down the solver
Posted by: wixar172 - 25-10-2018, 10:42 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)

is it possible to slow down the obi cloth solver?
what i tried: 
-setting the damping to 0.9999
-reducing and increasing the substeps (i noticed that increasing it would speed up the simulation) at 1 its the slowest possible, but that is still way too fast
-increased and decreased the iterations on the constraints with no effect
-distance constraints stiffness to 0, and slack all the way up to 1, also with no effect
-i reduced the the timescale and also increased the fixed update in unity it got super jaggy, i made the mode in the solver interpolate (speed got back to normal with minor benefits towards the goal im aiming for)
-a combination of all of the above

what i am trying to achieve is this:
stretch the cloth (which i was successful in) but slow down it's return to normal considerably

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  Multiple fluid colors in Simple Fluid
Posted by: george_playbite - 24-10-2018, 04:14 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - No Replies

Hi there,

I noticed that when using the Simple Fluid Renderer with the SimpleFluid material, the fluid uses the color that's defined in the material, and not the one defined in the Obi Particle Renderer component. 

How can I make the Simple Fluid Renderer work with multiple emitters of different colors? Do I have to write my own renderer or is this supported out of the box?

Thank you,

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  Fluid not rendering in Android
Posted by: george_playbite - 24-10-2018, 04:08 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (5)


I ran the FluidMill sample on my Android and understandably the performance was not great. I duplicated the scene and change the camera's Fluid Renderer to a Simple Fluid Renderer with the SimpleFluid material and changed the Obi Particle Renderer's shader to Obi/Fluid/Simple2DFluid.

This renders fine in the editor when I hit Play, but running directly on Android, the fluid is invisible (still affects the mill).

Can you point me towards how to fix this?


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  Fluids in VR
Posted by: Odedk14 - 24-10-2018, 07:50 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (1)


I'm developing a VR game and wanted to know if there is any issues with using the Fluid in VR environment (Oculus Rift & HTC Vive)?

I intend to use it in small scale (drink machine, boiling water, etc.)

Was this tested in VR environment?


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  Performance issue. Could you help?
Posted by: mmortall - 19-10-2018, 06:39 PM - Forum: General - Replies (5)

We have a performance issue and we found this lines in profiler. 
It seems like this operations leads to a huge performance drop. Can it be optimized in some way? Thanks.

This happens when we drop the soft body and it is simulated. 

[Image: CJf2JVB.png]

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  Attaching two pieces of cloth together
Posted by: zezafa - 19-10-2018, 06:11 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)


I am quite new to ObiCloth plugin and still learning basic aspects. I am looking for a method to attach several pieces of cloth together to form a piece of clothing e.g. a T-shirt. This is exactly the method/effect I would like to replicate with Obi and Unity: . I was thinking about setting pin constraints between particles from one cloth object to another, but it seems that pin constraints can only be set between rigid body and particles. Is there another way to create "to sew" two pieces of cloth together?

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