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Forum: Obi Cloth
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19-12-2024, 07:16 AM
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Forum: Obi Rope
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Issue with Grasping ObiRo...
Forum: Obi Rope
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Forum: Obi Rope
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Forum: Obi Rope
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Path editor gizmo's appea...
Forum: Obi Rope
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10-12-2024, 09:50 AM
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Forum: Obi Cloth
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09-12-2024, 03:17 AM
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  Character Cloth Issue
Posted by: coverclubmedia - 19-02-2018, 08:02 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)


I have a couple images attached, any idea what is happening? I fear your asset does not work with my characters yet. I think it's scale, but I imported a new character without any rig scaling and it also was totally messed up looking. 

I really wish you had made a video tutorial for the character cloth part it would have helped a lot.

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  Obi 3.3 Released for all Obi Packages!
Posted by: lidiamartinez - 19-02-2018, 04:24 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

Hi folks!

at last we could save some time and release the update for all assets.

This update brings a lot more things and fixes that you should definitely look into. Jose put together an article for you covering all the news:

--> Read full article! <--

--> Check out all obi assets in the Asset Store! <--

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  How to change particle skin radius via script?
Posted by: a12345 - 18-02-2018, 10:56 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - No Replies


I have a character cloth that I have given a high skin radius of 0.5 to simulate during a certain part of the scene. However when I begin moving my character really fast, this high skin radius causes a separation in the cloth. I want to reduce the skin radius down to 0.1 just before my character starts moving really fast. Is there any way to change the skin radius of the particles of the cloth through script and not the editor?


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  Instantiate and use Robe
Posted by: 13ee13 - 16-02-2018, 01:06 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (3)

I check all rope forums and chack your tutorial but I can't find my problem's answer
I can Instantiate robe , I can extend the rope but I can't extend as want as I want and I can not shorten the rope.These are lenght problem.
another problems are pin control.
I have two object ( for example car and wall ) .when I click space ,I make a rope .But I can not pin the rope to wall. Enfadado
I want to do these
1-when I click space ,I make a rope and pin the rope to wall
2-walk to car
3-again when click space button ,I want to pin the rope to car.
Of course if I click space,the rope lenght can chance.

You made great rope asset but you don't have enough tutorial videos.Everyone can't have enough time for reading tutorial and (for example I am ) good English.

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  Dll Problem
Posted by: 13ee13 - 12-02-2018, 06:17 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

Hi everyone
I start to use Obi Rope and import your asset but I see this error in console

DllNotFoundException: libOni
Obi.ObiCollisionMaterial.OnValidate () (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Collisions/ObiCollisionMaterial.cs:44)


DllNotFoundException: $
Obi.ObiCollisionMaterial.OnDisable () (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Collisions/ObiCollisionMaterial.cs:32)

but I don't see that error in visual studio.I delete that errors after that I can play my game,I don't take any message.Will this be a problem in the future? What can I do ? I use windows 7.

Another things
1- Can we create rope while playing and connect this rope 2 gameObject's body?
2- Can we extend the length of the rope we are playing while playing
3- Can we break the rope with a certain weight or force and how can we do it

[b]josemendez[/b]  answers 
1.- Yes. See:
2.- Yes (there's a component, ObiCursor, that allow you to extend/retract the rope from any point in both directions.)
3.- Yes (the rope has a breaking threshold value in newtons. Once this value is exceeded, it will break automatically.)

can you record a video about that subject ? with video ,I can understand easier.
Thank you

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  Copying a rope causes the new rope to "steal" the mesh from the old one
Posted by: khalvr - 12-02-2018, 04:01 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)

When copying an ObiRope, it does not seem like you are getting a deep copy of the generated rope mesh. This essentially forces you to re-initialize the old object - which is extremely frustrating since you then need to set up all the constraints once again.

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  sequence of short ropes connecting pinned objects – problem with stretchiness/jitter
Posted by: phoberman - 12-02-2018, 01:42 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

Hi –

I'm building a vertical chain of ropes and pinned objects (object/rope/object/rope/object, etc) and the longer the sequence gets, the more elastic the rope gets (if the rigidbodies have a mass of 1) or the more uncontrollably jittery it is (if the rigidbodies have masses of less than 1). 

I've gone through the documentation and forums looking for answers – the only suggestion I can find is to make sure that the masses of the rope particles are in a reasonable ratio to the rigidbody mass. But when I change the rigidbody masses to something small like 0.2, everything starts jittering – the more objects in the chain, the more jitter.

The only solution I've been able to find is to leave the rigidbody masses at 1, and set the Distance Constraints Stretching Scale of the ropes to something like 0.25. This works, although it makes everything jump around when the scene starts.

Is there something I'm missing? Suggestions?

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  Rope Problem
Posted by: 13ee13 - 11-02-2018, 07:58 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (3)

Hello to everyone
I want to buy your Obi Rope asset. So I wanted to ask you a few questions first.
1- Can we create rope while playing and connect this rope 2 gameObject's body?
2- Can we extend the length of the rope we are playing while playing
3- Can we break the rope with a certain weight or force and how can we do it

I looked at your Youtube channel, but I did not see any videos about them. My English is not good so I need a video. I am sure there are others like me  Triste
Thank you for helping  Corazón

I forget to write
I could not write  this questions on rope part so I had to write here.
I'm sorry.

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  Instantiating characters on runtime
Posted by: Mystigan - 11-02-2018, 04:17 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (3)

Hello, I am trying to instantiate up to 9 characters on runtime and I am facing some issues, I have the solver attached to main camera, and when I instantiate the objects I get the solver component and assign it to the cloth objects but they don't seem to be moving, if I give each prefab its own solver so I don't have to assign it via script it really starts to lag.

The skirt has around 1k-1k2 vertex (is that too much maybe?) as it has some thickness, It would be good to know the max amount of vertex that it can handle without causing drop in fps (the game is targetted for mobile) I can modify the clothing so there is less movable cloth on each one of them.

Also is there a way to scale the cloth object? since scaling the parent object has no effect on the cloth.


[Image: Capture.png]

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  How to apply different parameters to different particles?
Posted by: a12345 - 10-02-2018, 08:39 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)


In the edit particle box of the obi cloth, is it possible to set varying parameters for different vertices. e.g set a skin radius of 0.05 for the top of the skirt but progressively increase it as you move down so that the bottom section of the skirt has a higher skin radius?

After unfixing a section of particles, if I change the skin radius it applies it to all unfixed particles. Instead I want to apply it to only a section of the unfixed particles.

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