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Forum: Obi Rope
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  Obi Cloth integration with previous Obi Rope
Posted by: Mateusz_Madein - 11-07-2017, 01:24 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

What is the best way to integrate Obi Cloth to project with previously integrated Obi Rope? I'm getting lots of errors for instance: "access denied libObi". I've tried to copy and paste folders from project with Obi Cloth manualy but without success.

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  Teleporting Rope
Posted by: PhantomBadger - 10-07-2017, 01:56 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)

Tangentially related to my previous thread (here), but ultimately a different issue, so I decided to make a new topic;

Is there a way to teleport the rope, essentially 'resetting' it at a new position during runtime?

I mentioned my current set up in the previous thread (this post), where the rope object is connected to two anchors, which are then connected to two external game objects. My current attempt teleport all these components, the anchors and game objects teleport fine, but the rope then flies towards them to catch up, causing high velocities and undesired effects.



Seems I was a bit quick to post here! The solution I found was calling the aptly named 'ResetActor()' method in ObiRope.

Should anyone else want it, my implemented solution is as follows;

    /// <summary>
    /// Moves all components of the rope by a set amount
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="distanceToMove">The distance to move the rope parts</param>
    public void MoveRopeByAmount(Vector3 distanceToMove)
        //Wire points are the anchor objects
        //Target points are the connector gameobjects attached to the anchors
        for (int i = 0; i < targetPoints.Length && i < wirePoints.Length; i++)
            targetPoints[i].transform.position += distanceToMove;
            wirePoints[i].transform.position += distanceToMove;
        ObiRope.transform.position += distanceToMove;

        //Custom method to reset velocity of the rope & it's components
I'm hoping there's no negative repercussions to using this method I'm unaware of?

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  Curve Closed Option
Posted by: reblololo - 08-07-2017, 03:33 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)


Using the Obi Bezier Curve, create a Closed Curve.
The Rope generated by it keeps moving all the time.
It will not stop moving forever.
Why is this event occurring?
Can this be solved?
(I want to make a ring)

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  For creating runtime tight knot
Posted by: chanddu - 08-07-2017, 11:15 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (6)


I was working on the obi rope to tie a knot,How to make a tight knot without collapsing with rope thickness under 0.2. We are trying to simulate suture threads. What sort of values and parameters would be ideal for this. I tried the self-collisions and different collision iterations, particle iterations but it didn't solve my purpose.


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  Precision cutting using obi cloth
Posted by: chanddu - 07-07-2017, 08:28 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

  I got the obi cloth and trying to cut the cloth precisely but the space that creating after the cut was more, for example if the blade thickness is "x" I was getting the space thickness "4x" after the cut.I tried changing the distance parameter iterations but that didn't solve my problem.

Please help.


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Bombilla Create rope by clicking two objects
Posted by: gibmation - 06-07-2017, 09:11 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - No Replies

Hi again,

I am working on a ship simulation and have managed to setup Obi Rope between two vessels so one can tow another.

Is it possible to create this rope in-game by player clicking on start and end object?  Sonrojado


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  ObiFluid Tunneling Issue - Collisions - Performance tips - Gaps between particles
Posted by: binhong87 - 05-07-2017, 05:02 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (11)


I tried your plugin ObiFluid in my project, but encountered these following issues, please provide technical support.

1. I changed collision evaluation method to "sequential", which seems more stable when particle amount increases. Parallel method gets more tunneling issues.
   But the beaker (the mesh collider) still get leaks, when I move the beaker "a little" more heavily. It looks better when moved slowly.
   Can you provide more technical support on addressing this tunneling issue, I saw your documents saying tunneling issue "almost non-existent". :-)

2. The performance gets significantly decreased when particle amount reaches about 2000, only about some 50 fps.
   The CPU usage is about half. Is there any tips on how to optimize the performance?

3. I found that there are many particles stay in the lowest layer, and the others piled up. And there is even a gap between them, when the smoothing is set above 1.0.
   Is it designed this way, or there is some mis-configurations?


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  Create a plank that is springy -can the rope shape be modified?
Posted by: Ascensi - 05-07-2017, 03:12 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - No Replies

Would it be possible to generate a plank shape and give it the same tension/spring effect and strength?

I want a character to walk to the middle of a plank that has a brick at both ends and as the character walks the board receives the character's weight, bends down from the middle and have the board break if the weight in greater then x amount. I also want to be able to add sound triggers via weight basically giving the player the signal that the board is about to break.

I also need these sound triggers based on weight for the plank as well - I have some great tightening rope/wood squeaking audio clips to use. Would Obi Cloth be better for this senario?

Lastly could you please add the suspension bridge as seen on the asset store page or create a new one to the asset scene demos?

Thank you, Kurt.

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  Rope Enable/Disable
Posted by: PhantomBadger - 04-07-2017, 10:43 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (5)

I'm attempting to disable/enable the rope at runtime, I'm correctly disabling/enabling the Obi Rope object, the two anchors at either end, and even the solver, however, upon enable the rope then starts flying around violently, either crashing Unity or flying out of the room into the abyss.
Is there a function or anything I should be calling/doing after re-enabling the rope to allow it to settle properly.

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  Polygon Collider 2D
Posted by: davidrousal - 01-07-2017, 10:35 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)


is there any support for Unity's 2D Polygon Collider?

thx a lot in advance

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