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Garment explodes on Andro...
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Issue with Grasping ObiRo...
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10-12-2024, 07:35 PM
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Baking a rope is causing ...
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Barrier belt - changing l...
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Path editor gizmo's appea...
Forum: Obi Rope
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10-12-2024, 09:50 AM
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Not realtime simulation without affecting FPS |
Posted by: mmortall - 21-08-2018, 11:39 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (3)
Is there a way to do not-real-time simulation in the background without affecting FPS?
I need to do a complex simulation with lots of substeps with high poly meshes and this affects fps. So I am going to show some progress bar and do simulation in the background.
Is this possible somehow?
I need this for Cloth and Soft Body simulation.
problem with changing distance constraints parameters through script |
Posted by: h00man - 20-08-2018, 10:10 AM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (4)
hi, i been trying to make a grapple hook similar to the included one in the package,when i shoot the hook game object and it sticks to other objects i need the robe to be much less using a simple script to control the prematers of distance constraints ,it works fine and it changes the parameters correctly .the problem is , it only changes the numbers .the real changes only going to be applied when i insert the numbers to obi solver manually.
how do i change the distance parameters like iteration and relaxation by script and see it actually happen in the play mode?
and here is the code:
public void less stretch()
obiRopi.GetComponent<ObiSolver>().distanceConstraintParameters.iterations = 38;
obiRopi.GetComponent<ObiSolver>().distanceConstraintParameters.SORFactor = 1.5f;
Fluid Renderer doesn't work on two sample scenes |
Posted by: redhairjino - 20-08-2018, 07:29 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid
- Replies (3)
While trying to look through Simple Fluid sample scene to find out how Simple Fluid Renderer works,
I've found out two sample scenes - MultipahseFluidBuoyancy and SimpleFluid - don't work properly.
All other scenes works fine.
My Unity version is 2018.16f1 and I've downloaded the asset on 8/17/2018.
Could you tell me how to fix it?
Plugin extrimely unstable with Cloth Simulation. Unity crashes all time |
Posted by: mmortall - 17-08-2018, 02:34 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (10)
I've got multiple crashes during simulation of hight poly cloth or after level unloading with ObiCloth after simulation.
This looks like an internal crash produced by corrupted memory.
Unity also may throw a C# exception regarding some parts in code that never crash before (like a crash in transforms deep inside Unity) or crash with "pure virtual function call" exception or just crash with a different stack trace (way more often).
Example of most common crash stack trace:
Code: ========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================
0x00007FFBE9C39BC4 (libOni) SetDiffuseParticleNeighbourCounts
0x00007FFBE9C3A5C8 (libOni) SetDiffuseParticleNeighbourCounts
0x00007FFBE9C6183D (libOni) GetPointCloudAnisotropy
0x00007FFBE9C64FE1 (libOni) GetPointCloudAnisotropy
0x00007FFBE9C669D1 (libOni) GetPointCloudAnisotropy
0x00007FFBE9C64AE9 (libOni) GetPointCloudAnisotropy
0x00007FFBE9C8C389 (libOni) GetPointCloudAnisotropy
0x00007FFC04EF3034 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFC052B1431 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart
========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
I use the high poly cloth plane (~ 3500 polygons) with Max Particles 10000 set up in solver. Settings for Cloth was taken from examples from Obi plugin. This cloth is colliding with hight poly surfaces up to ~12000 polygons with Obi Colliders on it and Mesh Collider.
I was spawning Solver and connect them to a simulated object in real-time. I also reuse solver for each simulated objects. It works ok in most cases but when I unload the scene after simulation it crashes with 90% crash rate. But only if simulation was performed.
When I do a simulation with Hight Poly Mesh Collider in 10-20% probability I got a crash. In most cases cloth just droping from top to the collider with gravity. So this happens during an actual collision. Not immediate but after 100-200 milliseconds.
This is impossible to use this plugin with such instability. I need to have lots of cloth in the scene and do lots of simulations.
Could you fix this crashes or recommend a workaround on how to solve this problem?
This is a show stopper for me.
My system is Windows 10 64bit. Unity 2017.4.5f1 LTS. Plugin version 3.5.
I am going to make a test project and deliver it to you. In this case roughly how long will it take to fix this bug?
Resetting the Obi.Collider |
Posted by: Jaydena - 17-08-2018, 04:57 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid
- Replies (3)
My current fluid setup uses a mesh collider with the obi collider. When the mesh changes the obi.collider does not. The workaround i found for this is to delete the obi.collider and then re-add it, all in the same frame. This updates the obi.collider with the new mesh and everything works well.
A problem I encountered with this is that the destroyed obi.collider still maintains a reference to an object somewhere and therefore doesn't get fully destroyed by the Garbage collector and slowly adds to the memory until it crashes.
I've tried removing the 'Source Collider' in the Obi.Collider and re-adding it, but this just seems to disable the obi.collider entirely.
Is there a way that i can 'reset' the Obi.Collider once changes in the Mesh collider have been made?
Thank you!
Collision marked as Trigger not collides |
Posted by: mmortall - 16-08-2018, 12:33 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (2)
Obi Plugin v.3.5, Unity 2017.4.5f1 LTS
Collision marked as Trigger does not collide with cloth during simulation.
I've added a temporal fix in Oci.cs in two Set functions, see coding example below.
Is there a reason for it and can I turned simulation on also for trigger objects? Thanks.
ps. Also turning on/off isTrugger not makes collider dirty for Obi, so you need to disable and re-enable it for making them counted by Solver.
Code: public void Set(UnityEngine.Collider source, int phase, float thickness){
boundsMin = source.bounds.min -*(thickness + source.contactOffset);
boundsMax = source.bounds.max +*(thickness + source.contactOffset);
translation = source.transform.position;
rotation = source.transform.rotation;
scale = source.transform.lossyScale;
contactOffset = thickness;
this.collisionGroup = phase;
//for some reason trigger colliders are not taking part in the simulation
this.trigger = false;// source.isTrigger; = source.GetInstanceID();