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Forum: Obi Rope
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High Resolution mesh initialization |
Posted by: kocosman - 30-09-2018, 05:17 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (1)
Hey there,
I started using Obi Cloth extensively for a project recently. Unity editor becomes unresponsive while initializing a high resolution mesh. It works when the mesh has around 10.000 vertices, but it crashes at around 60.000 vertices. Does obi cloth has limitations, is it a unity bug, any ideas?
Unity 2018.2.8f1
Latest Obi Cloth
i7-7700HQ (2.8GHz, 8 core)
GTX 1070
Cloth Proxy hangs forever on "Bind" |
Posted by: henryh - 26-09-2018, 01:59 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (1)
I recently discovered that I needed to create a cloth proxy. It is for the trim of a women's dress mesh. I added Obi Cloth Proxy to the new trim mesh, assigned the original dress (ObiCloth) object to the "Particle Proxy" field. I created a ObiMeshTopology for the new trim mesh and generated it, then assigned it to ObiClothProxy's Target Topology field. Lastly, I created an ObiTriangleSkinMap to map between the original dress mesh to the new trim mesh.
Clicking on the new ObiTriangleSkinMap, I assigned the original dress mesh's ObiMeshTopology to the "Source topology" field of the new ObiTriangleSkinMap, and assigned the new trim mesh to the "Target mesh" field. Then I proceeded to "Edit skin map".
Here is the problem. When I click "Bind" the Unity freezes and never unfreezes (I have to use Window's Task Manager to forcefully End Task on Unity). I'm using Unity verysion 2018.2.2f1.
What's happening here? I can't debug it because Unity is completely frozen.
Update: I let it run for 15 minutes and it finally completed. Is there any way to speed up the process?
Platform Support questions |
Posted by: Yung Youngstr - 25-09-2018, 03:47 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (3)
Hello. Thanks for all the hard work you have put into Obi. Your efforts have really paid off! I have two vaguely related questions about Obi:
1. I noticed on your site that you support Windows/OSX/iOS/Android, and that the only other platforms you plan on supporting are PS4/XB1. Does this mean that UWP will never get support? I understand that it may be quite a bit of work, but I don't believe there's anything that would make such a thing unfeasible. I would say there's quite a bit more demand now that the Windows Mixed Reality Platform, both Hololens and immersive headsets, are using UWP. Myself in particular am developing for the platform, and I just hit a brick wall with the lack of platform support.
2. While loosely on the subject of VR, I noticed that your website says Obi Fluid requires some funky two-camera setup "since the renderer does not support single-pass stereo rendering". When you say "the renderer", are you referring to Obi's fluid renderer or Unity's renderer? I ask because Unity does support single pass stereo rendering, and it has been supported as early as the Unity 5 cycle.
So am I missing something here? Will you guys bring native support for Obi's fluid renderer to single pass? It would be a killer feature to add, since single pass heavily decreases CPU usage, freeing up valuable resources for the fluid simulation. And I have no clue whether support for the newer "single pass instanced" rendering would be any harder, but that's also a valuable feature to support, since it brings CPU usage even lower than traditional single pass does.
Thanks for your help guys
iOS Simulator Crash |
Posted by: gmentat - 25-09-2018, 11:35 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (3)
We are having issues with the Cloth component in the iOS Simulators. The app crashes somewhere in the Oni library with an error: "...UseHalfMesh not found". I can attach the whole log of the error if necessary.
Can Obi Cloth run in the Simulator SDK?
Interpolation frame delay |
Posted by: Sewy24 - 24-09-2018, 09:30 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (4)
as the problem is still valid, and we have no answer from your side for almost 3 months, I'm making new thread to remind and not
to abuse previous thread with different purpose.
we put together simple scene to demonstrate our situation (will send it to the
In the example, there is a Cube - to simulate the player.
We are simulating movement on simulaton rig and using our own interpolation - simple Lerping/Slerping over time (attached in the example) to apply smooth movement to the render rig because of networking.
Description of the scene:
a. Moving the simulaton rig in fixed update.
b. Own interpolation of the a. and copying the transforms to the render rig.
c. Cloth object position is copied from the simulation rig "bone" in fixed update.
d. Cloth simulation in fixed update with your interpolation.
Observation 1. We have to use skinned mesh with "fixed particles" being substitued with "skin radius" set to 0, to avoid jump-following of the "fixed paricles" - not happy with that, because we cannot use "fixed particles"
Observation 2. Your interpolation seems to be dependant on "Fixed Timestep"
- when 0.02, the interpolated cloth is working fine,
- on lower value, the interpolated cloth is few steps ahead of our interpolation
- on higher value, the interpolated cloth is s few steps behind of our interpolation
Could you please take a look on the example and recommend setting for this setup?
If you could share your interpolation script with us, we will be more able to identify the delay issue.
Just upgraded to 3.5 from 3.1 |
Posted by: Zomby138 - 22-09-2018, 10:23 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (8)
Hi Jose,
I think this is my first time posting on this forum, but you might remember me from a while ago on Unity.
I just upgraded my Obi from 3.1 to 3.5 and I can see that a lot has changed! I was having some problems in the old version, so I thought I'd upgrade to the latest version before trying to address them. Unfortunately for me it seems like I have much worse problems now after the upgrade
I have attached some screen shots demonstrating my new problem. This is a character running around a test area with an Obi Cloth skirt. Her upper clothing is turned off so you can see the problem more easily.
The Obi Solver is attached to her pelvis bone, is set to "Simulate in Local Space" and all four Velocity / Inertia Scales are set to 0. This should mean that no influance can come from world space movement. The solver is set to "Late Update", and the character's Animator has Update Mode of Normal. (I have tried using Fixed Update and Animate Physics, but it is much worse).
The top two rows of verticies are Pinned in place (which is working), and then you can see all the vertices bellow that are offset backwards while she is moving forwards, as if they are taking the world space possitions that they should have had in the previous frame. You can see in the second shot, that her legs and body poke through the front while this is happening. Screen shot 3 shows that this effect is more pronounced when she is sprinting (moving through world space faster).
The final screen shot is just to show that the colliders in her legs work correctly when she is not moving fast, as she hangs on the ledge the cloth works nicely.
I didn't have any of these problems while using 3.1. Do you have any idea what's happened here?
_FluidDepthTexture not found |
Posted by: asimofu_ok - 22-09-2018, 02:14 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid
- Replies (6)
When I play the Obi Fluid example scene, it makes this caution.
CommandBuffer: temporary render texture _FluidDepthTexture not found while executing Render fluid (SetGlobalTexture)
Some of examples seems not rendering fluid particles(MultiphaseFluidBuoyancy.unity and SimpleFluid.unity)
And in all example scene, its not rendering fluid particles in Scene View.
I use Unity2018.2.5f1 with Win10.