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Help  Towel simulation in Quest
Thank you for your reply.

I need second scenario. ( if you want to be able to fold/unfold it, you must use a mesh that represents it in an unfolded state, and use ObiCloth.)
I need to use thick cloth to simulate as towel.
Is it possible to make the cloth thicker in the existing example scenes? Alternatively, if I create a thick rectangular mesh and apply Obi Cloth to it, will it work without lagging?
(28-06-2024, 11:28 AM)balaji.v Wrote: Thank you for your reply.

I need second scenario. ( if you want to be able to fold/unfold it, you must use a mesh that represents it in an unfolded state, and use ObiCloth.)
I need to use thick cloth to simulate as towel.
Is it possible to make the cloth thicker in the existing example scenes? Alternatively, if I create a thick rectangular mesh and apply Obi Cloth to it, will it work without lagging?

When you talk about "thicker" cloth, do you mean cloth that doesn't have a single surface (like a plane)?

In that case you will need to use proxies. The idea is to have a single-layered cloth simulation, then bind a thicker, more complex mesh on top of it.

Alternatively, ObiCloth 7 (currently in beta) can directly simulate thick cloth without the need to either create proxies or bind them manually: you can generate a cloth simulation mesh from your visual mesh using automatic decimation, then bind one (or multiple) meshes to it.

Write to support(at) if you're interested in using it.

kind regards,
Thank you for your reply.

I am using obi cloth. The performance is good in VR device also. But when colliding with mesh collider, the FPS is reducing. 
Is there anything I need to change or check? 

When the cloth fully collide with a mesh some particles are sticking with the collider for some time. How can I fix this?

[Image: view?usp=sharing]


Don't use MeshColliders unless they're simple and static. They're by far the most expensive type of collider, and become even more expensive when colliding against deformable objects such as cloth. Their use is typically limited to static scenery geometry.

Furthermore, MeshColliders are hollow (only their surface generates collisions) so if a particle penetrates the surface due to high velocity or the collider moving, it will become stuck inside.

For these reasons, SDFs (signed distance fields) exist. They're a lot faster and much more robust than MeshColliders.

kind regards,