Obi Official Forum

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  1. Editor Customizable Category Names (2 Replies)
  2. Clear singletons (1 Reply)
  3. FluXY Dye (1 Reply)
  4. Actors do not render when manually rendering camera (2 Replies)
  5. Multi selected ObiCollider is changed only one (4 Replies)
  6. (7.0) Compute backend seems to freeze the whole Unity editor occassionally (12 Replies)
  7. Efficiently determine actor under ray (2 Replies)
  8. Chain Scene not physics not working properly (1 Reply)
  9. (Obi7) Ubuntu support (1 Reply)
  10. Unable to load DLL 'Oni'. (3 Replies)
  11. (7.0) Still confused about how Obi physics updates in 7.0 (4 Replies)
  12. (7.0) New particle shader has a lot of variants and they slow down the build (1 Reply)
  13. Debug Collisions position and normal (3 Replies)
  14. Obi renderers (particles, fluid, all of them) randomly stop working upon Pause button (1 Reply)
  15. Performance with Burst on is very bad (14 Replies)
  16. Particles are rendered in play mode, but not in editor mode (3 Replies)
  17. OBI Performance degradation over time (3 Replies)
  18. One particle per enemy for MANY enemies (4 Replies)
  19. Poor performance due to semaphore wait for signal (4 Replies)
  20. FLUXY - 2.5D FLUID SIMULATOR forum? (2 Replies)
  21. Obi Smulation frame rate issues (1 Reply)
  22. How to Retrieve Contact Forces in Obisoftbody for Rigid-Softbody Collisions? (2 Replies)
  23. Burst errors (8 Replies)
  24. Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported (5 Replies)
  25. Beta invite (0 Replies)
  26. Whip like Tentacles but rubbery. (2 Replies)
  27. How to Save / Load Obi Actors in 5.0 (20 Replies)
  28. Integrating Obi's Collision Detection with Custom Particle Simulator (1 Reply)
  29. Surgery simulator (1 Reply)
  30. Extracting acting forces on particle (4 Replies)
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