Important Threads
- PS4 and XBox Platform Support (7 Replies)
- Frequently Asked Questions (0 Replies)
- How to use your purchase / order ID to receive full support (0 Replies)
- Editor Customizable Category Names (2 Replies)
- Clear singletons (1 Reply)
- FluXY Dye (1 Reply)
- Actors do not render when manually rendering camera (2 Replies)
- Multi selected ObiCollider is changed only one (4 Replies)
- (7.0) Compute backend seems to freeze the whole Unity editor occassionally (12 Replies)
- Efficiently determine actor under ray (2 Replies)
- Chain Scene not physics not working properly (1 Reply)
- (Obi7) Ubuntu support (1 Reply)
- Unable to load DLL 'Oni'. (3 Replies)
- (7.0) Still confused about how Obi physics updates in 7.0 (4 Replies)
- (7.0) New particle shader has a lot of variants and they slow down the build (1 Reply)
- Debug Collisions position and normal (3 Replies)
- Obi renderers (particles, fluid, all of them) randomly stop working upon Pause button (1 Reply)
- Performance with Burst on is very bad (14 Replies)
- Particles are rendered in play mode, but not in editor mode (3 Replies)
- OBI Performance degradation over time (3 Replies)
- One particle per enemy for MANY enemies (4 Replies)
- Poor performance due to semaphore wait for signal (4 Replies)
- FLUXY - 2.5D FLUID SIMULATOR forum? (2 Replies)
- Obi Smulation frame rate issues (1 Reply)
- How to Retrieve Contact Forces in Obisoftbody for Rigid-Softbody Collisions? (2 Replies)
- Burst errors (8 Replies)
- Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported (5 Replies)
- Beta invite (0 Replies)
- Whip like Tentacles but rubbery. (2 Replies)
- How to Save / Load Obi Actors in 5.0 (20 Replies)
- Integrating Obi's Collision Detection with Custom Particle Simulator (1 Reply)
- Surgery simulator (1 Reply)
- Extracting acting forces on particle (4 Replies)