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Forum: Obi Rope
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Garment explodes on Andro...
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: CptnFabulous
19-12-2024, 07:16 AM
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Calculating and Reproduci...
Forum: Obi Fluid
Last Post: ZacharyP
18-12-2024, 05:49 PM
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Null Reference, actor not...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
13-12-2024, 12:39 PM
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Issue with Grasping ObiRo...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
12-12-2024, 12:00 PM
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Changing extruded rendere...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: aderae
10-12-2024, 07:35 PM
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Baking a rope is causing ...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
10-12-2024, 11:06 AM
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Barrier belt - changing l...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
10-12-2024, 10:42 AM
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Path editor gizmo's appea...
Forum: Obi Rope
Last Post: josemendez
10-12-2024, 09:50 AM
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Problems when using multi...
Forum: Obi Cloth
Last Post: Cat3Man
09-12-2024, 03:17 AM
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Is it possible to tween between softbody and fluid? |
Posted by: bobby - 01-12-2024, 10:06 PM - Forum: Obi Softbody
- Replies (1)
Is there any property that can be tweaked to make softbody behave more/less like a fluid?
I would like the ability for a substance to become jelly-like or liquid-like or somewhere in between at runtime.
Also, is it possible for 2 softbodies to merge together when they get close to each other?
Baking a rope is causing unity crashes (unity 6.0.29f) |
Posted by: gnovos - 01-12-2024, 11:31 AM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (6)
I'm either doing something completely wrong, or else running into a editor-crashing bug.
Let me start by stating my goal in case I'm completely barking up the wrong tree. What I want is to have an ObiRope swing for a few seconds, then freeze it into place and then use it as just a standard mesh from that point on. The way I'm trying to solve this is code like this:
Code: public void BakeRope()
if (
var system =<ObiRopeExtrudedRenderer>() as ObiExtrudedRopeRenderSystem;
if (system != null)
var mesh = new Mesh();
system.BakeMesh(ToBake, ref mesh, true);
Rope.enabled = false;
ToBake.enabled = false;
Filter.sharedMesh = mesh;
This *sometimes* works. But it often simply crashes the editor (and a similar crash in a full build).
The relevant part of the crash output looks like this:
Code: 0x00000243F7763DAB (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Mesh:SetSubMesh (int,UnityEngine.Rendering.SubMeshDescriptor,UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags)
0x0000024250625E13 (Mono JIT Code) Obi.ProceduralRenderBatch`1<Obi.ProceduralRopeVertex>:BakeMesh (int,int,int,int,UnityEngine.Matrix4x4,UnityEngine.Mesh&,bool)
0x00000242506252AB (Mono JIT Code) Obi.ObiExtrudedRopeRenderSystem:BakeMesh (Obi.ObiRopeExtrudedRenderer,UnityEngine.Mesh&,bool)
My question is basically, is this a bug or is there some more proper way to lock a rope's mesh into place and stop the obrirope calculations on demand?
How to grab obi cloth in XRI? |
Posted by: vrvr02109 - 29-11-2024, 09:46 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (3)
I am using Unity 2022.3.8f1 and Obi Cloth version 7.0. In my project, I am working with XRI version 3.0 and want to grab Obi Cloth in VR using XRI.
I have found a script called ObiContactGrabber.cs, and I added a Sphere Collider and Obi Collider component to the Left Hand.
To achieve a natural grabbing interaction with Obi Cloth using XRI, should I write an additional script to make ObiContactGrabber.cs work? Or is there a specific way to integrate Obi Cloth with XRI for grabbing interactions?
Matching up particles with vertices in 7.X |
Posted by: CptnFabulous - 29-11-2024, 05:43 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (2)
I recently updated the version of Obi Cloth from 6.5.4 to 7.0.3. I checked some of the differences between Obi Cloth 7.X and 6.X:
One thing mentioned is that “…blueprints may now decimate/simplify the input mesh and generate particles at positions other than the cloth vertices…”. This would result in a discrepancy between the vertices in the mesh and the particles in the cloth.
We currently have some code that procedurally generates cloth shapes, then procedurally stitches them together at certain edges. Upon further inspection, I found that the particle index list used for stitching is calculated based off the mesh’s vertex indices, rather than calculating them after the particles are generated.
This method was fine with the previous version of the package, as the vertices and particles would always match up 1:1. But now they don’t, so this sometimes causes the cloth to glitch out violently when the procedural stitching code is run.
With this new system, how can I find the cloth particles that correspond with a given set of mesh vertices, or vice versa, so I can accurately determine at runtime what particles need to be stitched together?
Or will I have to recalculate whatever criteria is used to obtain the correct vertices, but on the particles instead after they’ve been generated?
Bug when increasing rope's length in RopeGrapplingHook Scene |
Posted by: JeanLaigri - 18-11-2024, 10:13 PM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (2)
Hi there, I’ve encountered an issue in my project related to rope behavior, and while troubleshooting, I tested it in the RopeGrapplingHook example scene provided with the package. This scene is similar to what I’m trying to achieve, and I noticed that the same issue occurs there as well.
Here’s the problem:
When increasing the length of the rope beyond a certain value, the rope becomes completely rigid, behaving like a solid object rather than a flexible rope.
To help illustrate, I’ve recorded a video demonstrating the issue. I tested this in a fresh Universal 3D Project using Unity 6000.0.23f1, with the package imported via the Package Manager.
Does anyone have any insights or suggestions on why this is happening and how to fix it?
Thank you in advance!
Particle Attachment Break Didn't work in GPU Mode |
Posted by: calvantsang - 17-11-2024, 06:55 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (2)
Particle Attachment break threshold didn't work in GPU Mode, I have some test, turn out if only set the break threshold smaller that 0(like -1) will break immediately, even set to 0 I still can't brake in anyway.
but work very well in Burst(Cpu), which is weird, my best guest is some pin Batch value didn't update in real time to check if need to break, hope it help somebody else facing same problem.
Thanks for you guys always being amazing!