[Solved] Creating a ribbon |
Posted by: Elias - 23-05-2024, 01:22 PM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (4)
for a project I'm trying to create something akin to a ribbon, or an open conveyor belt.
It will only need to be simulated in two directions (X/Y) and it shouldn't rotate around the X-axis.
Getting it to simulate in two directions was easy, thanks to the 2D Solver setting, however the rope keeps randomly rotating around the X-axis. 'standing up'.
In another thread I read that rope particles don't have an up-vector, however they do seem to have some kind of rotational value stored, as they don't always seem to be pointing in the same direction.
Is it possible to restrict them from rotating around a specific axis? Or is there a way to disable the billboarding effect on the line renderer, to have it always face the same direction regardless of the camera?
(Obi7) Particle renderer not working |
Posted by: NekoKOKO - 22-05-2024, 06:51 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth
- Replies (3)
Hi team,
I'm trying to use the Obi Particle Renderer to visualize the particles using Obi7 in the Benchmark Scene, but nothing shows up there in the scene. I switched back to Obi6 and it's working as expected, so I believe this is a bug of the new plugin.
How to solidify particles |
Posted by: Jaakk0S - 22-05-2024, 08:55 AM - Forum: Obi Rope
- Replies (4)
The picture should show what I am tryng to achieve. My rope consists of two parts:
1. A static rod that is attached to the character's left hand
2. A dynamic rope that starts from the character's left hand
The rope is dynamically generated using two control points with tangent vectors, so the rope path points out from the character's hand to the correct direction. The rope attaches to the hand using a static attachment. This part works flawlessly.
However, after physics the rope is hanging towards the ground from its attachment. I would like it to be stiff in the first few particles, then loosen up, gradually, if possible. The first particles in the attachment should respect the original path direction.
How would you suggest I achieve this? Maybe adding some constraints to the first particles. I don't know how to do this, it gets complicated.
Here's the blueprint generating code.
Code: this.Blueprint = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ObiRopeBlueprint>();
this.Blueprint.resolution = 0.7f;
this.Blueprint.pooledParticles = 200;
this.Blueprint.thickness = 0.04f;
this.Blueprint.path.AddControlPoint(ropeHolderLocalPosition, -ropeHolderLocalPosition, ropeHolderLocalPosition, Vector3.up, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1, collidesWithEverythingFilter, Color.white, "left-hand");
this.Blueprint.path.AddControlPoint(this.ParticleRope.transform.InverseTransformPoint(this.RopeAttachment.transform.position), -hookLocalPosition, hookLocalPosition, Vector3.up, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1, collidesWithEverythingFilter, Color.white, "hook");
yield return this.Blueprint.Generate();
Chain Scene not physics not working properly |
Posted by: bhanu@audichya - 21-05-2024, 01:07 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (1)
Hello in chain scene I want to replace chain with sword instead of sphere used in scene for now I have used cubes to depict the scenario.
What is happening in current scenario is that if I move chain too fast the cube lost track and stop acting on physics always faces ground rather than facing with the direction of chain(i.e. No centrifugal force is applied on cube with respect to chain). But if moved slowly it is properly behaving with laws of physics.
Please help if there is any solution for this. BTW awesome package.
Thank you.
Here is video link for your reference.
Fluid renders in editor, not in build |
Posted by: Terabytetim - 17-05-2024, 02:37 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid
- Replies (10)
We are using OBI on the standard render pipeline. Our water renders fine in-editor, but when built is invisible. There are no shader or burst related errors in the player log. I've also disabled all shader stripping.
Does anyone know why water would render in the editor but not a build, besides shader stripping?
I've tried reaching out to the OBI team about this, but their mailer is blocking me as spam with the following error:
Code: mail-node.dondominio.com gave this error:
Decision Engine classified the mail item was rejected because of IP Block (from outbound normal IP pools) -> 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net;
We had been talking, but after a few E-mails back and forth they started rejecting my E-mails as spam.
Change size of spheres using Softbody |
Posted by: charlieatron1 - 15-05-2024, 06:52 PM - Forum: Obi Softbody
- Replies (4)
I'm trying to make a simulation of many sphere-shaped cells that swim around and squish into each other, with each sphere being a Softbody actor in a single Solver. Ideally I'd like to be able to change the size of a single cell during runtime, for instance if one eats a food particle it will bump up in size slightly. The bigger cell would push other cells out of the way as it takes up more space.
I did see one other post on the forum saying that scaling the actors is not possible, but I'm wondering if there's any potential workarounds? I figured that spheres are a lot simpler than a detailed mesh, so it could be possible to achieve the same effect somehow through a force, constraint value, modifying blueprint, etc., but I'm not familiar enough with the plugin yet to know what to try.
Does anyone know how to achieve something like this, or have any ideas for things to try out? Or is this not possible? Thanks!