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Exclamación Obi Cloth- Character
Posted by: aallenfx - 03-07-2024, 05:40 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (3)


I had a question about obi cloth. Is it possible to use it on a character and mask out parts of the character like the head/stomach and have the physics applied to that only?

I briefly saw an example of character meshes with cloth applied to them in the demo vid, but did not see anything like that in the tutorials. I saw the ogre vid for obi softbody but I didn't quite see the effect I was looking for.

I considered obi softbody, but I read it can't do certain physics things like self-collision/double-sided that obi-cloth can do which is why I chose the obi cloth instead. 
Correct me if I'm wrong- but it looks like obi softbody is more of a wiggle/jiggle with a "return to original shape". Some kind of radial vertex offset from what I can see.

What I'm trying to achieve is more of a "ripple" like a baseball hitting a round jelly surface and the force ripples throughout the form. The force ripples from the origin and terminates at the outer edges. The shape would always return to the original, but there would be that ripple factor. And you could control the "firmness" or "impact" of the physics on the object.

It seemed like obi-cloth achieved that more closely, since cloth tends to have that ripple effect (from all the physics simulations I've seen involving cloth). Softbody in general seems to be more "firm/bouncy" and almost like a "spring" rather than some kind of "jelly". I could be wrong though, it's just what I've seen/tested so far.
To re-iterate what I'm looking for: 
> Has outward ripple effect on impact (from collision of some kind)
> Can control "firmness", "amplitude/offset", "motion multiplier" etc
> Always returns to original form

Any ideas on how to achieve this masked physics effect, and if obi-cloth supports the ripple on characters? 
Or if I should use obi softbody instead- if that more closely resembles what I'm trying to achieve?


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  Unity - UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE declared as [WriteOnly]
Posted by: AlexisF - 02-07-2024, 02:40 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - No Replies

I am currently trying to update a project to Unity 2022.3.25 (from 2021.3.27). The current version of Obi Rope I'm using is the 6.3. 

Updating to Unity 2022 and keeping that version of Obi Rope leads to serious lags when increasing the number of ropes (already unplayable at less than 10). For this problem, I didn't really bother looking for a solution because updating to the latest (6.5.4 at the time I write this) solves it.

The problem is, thousands of errors pop up in the console after updating, and the rope behavior is clearly broken (at least visually).

System::InvalidOperationException: The UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE has been declared as [WriteOnly] in the job, but you are reading from it.
This Exception was thrown from a job compiled with Burst, which has limited exception support.
#3 scripting_raise_exception(ScriptingExceptionPtr)
#4 AtomicSafetyHandle_CUSTOM_CheckWriteAndThrowNoEarlyOut_Injected(AtomicSafetyHandle const&)
#5 Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForExtensions.ParallelForJobStruct`1<Obi.ApplyInertialForcesJob>.Execute(ref Obi.ApplyInertialForcesJob jobData, System.IntPtr additionalPtr, System.IntPtr bufferRangePatchData, ref Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex) -> void_aaaff58bdce476e006d3a95c8933df9f from UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
#6 1a07ad49f6e8d1fe05692c844fae58d8
#7 ExecuteJob(ManagedJobData*, void (*)(void*, void*, void*, void*, int), int, unsigned char*)
#8 ExecuteJobCopyData(ManagedJobData*, void (*)(void*, void*, void*, void*, int), int)
#9 ForwardJobForEachToManaged(ManagedJobData*, unsigned int)
#10 ujob_execute_job(ujob_control_t*, ujob_lane_t*, ujob_job_t*, ujob_handle_t, unsigned int)
#11 ujob_wait_for(ujob_control_t*, ujob_handle_t, int)
#12 CompleteFenceInternal(JobFence&, WorkStealMode)
#13 ScheduleBatchedScriptingJobsAndComplete(JobFence&, ScriptingExceptionPtr*)
#14 JobHandle_CUSTOM_ScheduleBatchedJobsAndComplete(JobFence&)
#15  (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) Unity.Jobs.JobHandle:ScheduleBatchedJobsAndComplete (Unity.Jobs.JobHandle&)
#16  (Mono JIT Code) [JobHandle.bindings.cs:27] Unity.Jobs.JobHandle:Complete ()
#17  (Mono JIT Code) [BurstSolverImpl.cs:274] Obi.BurstSolverImpl:ApplyFrame (single,single,single)
#18  (Mono JIT Code) [ObiSolver.cs:1505] Obi.ObiSolver:UpdateTransformFrame (single)
#19  (Mono JIT Code) [ObiSolver.cs:1553] Obi.ObiSolver:BeginStep (single)
#20  (Mono JIT Code) [ObiUpdater.cs:63] Obi.ObiUpdater:BeginStep (single)
#21  (Mono JIT Code) [ObiFixedUpdater.cs:48] Obi.ObiFixedUpdater:FixedUpdate ()
#22  (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
#23 mono_jit_runtime_invoke
#24 do_runtime_invoke
#25 mono_runtime_invoke
#26 scripting_method_invoke(ScriptingMethodPtr, ScriptingObjectPtr, ScriptingArguments&, ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)
#27 ScriptingInvocation::Invoke(ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)
#28 MonoBehaviour::CallMethodIfAvailable(int)
#29 MonoBehaviour::CallUpdateMethod(int)
#30 void BaseBehaviourManager::CommonUpdate<FixedBehaviourManager>()
#31 FixedBehaviourManager::Update()
#32 InitPlayerLoopCallbacks()::FixedUpdateScriptRunBehaviourFixedUpdateRegistrator::Forward()
#33 ExecutePlayerLoop(NativePlayerLoopSystem*)
#34 ExecutePlayerLoop(NativePlayerLoopSystem*)
#35 PlayerLoop()
#36 EditorPlayerLoop::Execute()
#37 PlayerLoopController::InternalUpdateScene(bool, bool)
#38 PlayerLoopController::UpdateSceneIfNeededFromMainLoop()
#39 Application::TickTimer()
#40 -[EditorApplication TickTimer]
#41 __NSFireTimer
#43 __CFRunLoopDoTimer
#44 __CFRunLoopDoTimers
#45 __CFRunLoopRun
#46 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#47 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#48 ReceiveNextEventCommon
#49 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter
#50 _DPSNextEvent
#51 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
#52 -[NSApplication run]
#53 NSApplicationMain
#54 EditorMain(int, char const**)
#55 main
#56 start

Just to clarify, the expected result of the ropes is a perfectly straight line, with no bending at all. In the attached screenshot 1, you can see the rope is bending. And in the second attached screenshot, you can see the rendering of the rope is completely gone but the game still works as if the ropes were here. The flow of all this is, screenshot1 occurs when launching the game, but if I reload the level without quitting Unity, it's when the rendering disappears. This precision is what makes me think the problem is only on the rendering side because when playing in the first case scenario (with bent ropes) the physic behavior feels normal.
To add more "proofs" for that thought, if you play the game (links below), you will notice you can cut ropes. In the attached screenshot 3 you can see trying to cut the rope on the visual doesn't mark it red, while trying to cut between the hand and the head marks it red (screenshot4).

Now, the major points I need to mention are, I have little to no experience with Obi Rope, and this project isn't my own. The person who created this game isn't working with me anymore, quickly looked into this to see if anything was obvious but couldn't find a solution. They told me to make a post here to have a better chance.

The information worth mentioning :
- During my research, I ended up on this post which looks very similar but doesn't have any answer as the OP stopped responding (+ I don't know how to "Disable Burst to get a better stack trace")

- Unity version : 2022.3.25

- Obi Rope version : 6.5.4

- Android and iOS store links if you want to observe the pre-update (and wanted) behavior.

I'm sorry for the small amount of details, I truly don't know what to share to help explain my case and will gladly add more precision if needed.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  does not render correctly in Unity 6000
Posted by: Yumineko - 29-06-2024, 10:29 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (3)


As the title says, I am using Unity6000 0.5f1.
I imported Obi Fluid and followed the manual, but in every sample the fluid turns black and I keep getting warnings.

Based on troubleshooting, URP15/16 patches have already been applied.
I converted the material for URP and set the RendererFeature as instructed on the setup page.

Unity 6000 (URP 17) is not yet supported ?

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  Elastic Stretch Arm for VR Avatar Hands with Physics
Posted by: Sky d - 28-06-2024, 12:55 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (1)

I happen to be in the middle of a VR hackathon and I've been tasked with developing a stretchy arm for our first person player.   I would like to apply custom hands and forearm to the player skeleton and add the ability that when they grab something, they can outstretch their arms like "elastic man" to position the object far away from them.  It also would be nice if I could a apply a bit of curve and flexibily to the arm.  But the hand should still be able to have it's basic vR functions untinterrupted.

I mostly use Obi rope for cable and rope simulations but it occurred to me that I could try the stretch + Bone components in my scenario.    I would just need to know for sure if it's realistic thinking that I can access the stretch distance parameters via thumbstick controller if I wanted.

I would appreciate any tips or ideas in this direction while I continue trying to hack it out based on documentation.  
Thanks much

Here's a reference I found of someone with a different type of mechanic using stretchy arms...  I wish to make something that is more slow and controlled.

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  Proxies with SkinnedMeshRenderers
Posted by: grigler - 27-06-2024, 03:28 PM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (2)


The documentation for cloth proxies says that they should be usable with either skinned cloths or normal cloths, however from looking at the code it seems like it's being driven from the MeshFilter component, which isn't a requirement of the SkinnedMeshRenderer.

is there an alternative?

Edit: Additionally, this cloth solution doesn't have a clear way of how to manage LODGroups. The results seem to be that any cloth will always be visible, breaking the lodgroup

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  Softbody-based Crawling
Posted by: wenhao_zheng - 27-06-2024, 10:40 AM - Forum: Obi Softbody - Replies (3)


As shown in the figure below, I try to use two soft bodies to grab a rigid body. For example, a claw machine.I expect the grabbing process to be achieved through friction.

I set the same collision material for both the claw soft body and the rigid body, with both dynamic and static friction set to 1.
In my attempt, I was able to grab the rigid body, but it soon fell slowly. In the real world, I would think that the friction is not enough. But I have set the friction to 1 in the collision material, and I expect that there should be no tangential movement of the object.
For reference I have attached my Obi Solver component configuration, although I have tried different things with it and I don't think the problem seems to be there.
Is it possible to achieve my needs based on ObiSoftbody? If it is feasible, I am very much looking forward to getting suggestions from developers.
Many thanks!

Please see the attachment for detailed configuration.

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  helicopter hook
Posted by: Koolio - 26-06-2024, 11:19 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (4)

Any guide or example on making a rope that works like a helicopter hook, ie bit like the jungle strike games.. where the end of the hook can latch onto gameobjects to pick them and swing them, but also hoist them up so the rope length would get shorter?

is this something simple that can be done with obi rope?

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Pregunta Particle Attachment on expanding rope
Posted by: Balou - 26-06-2024, 01:43 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (3)


I've a rope around 1 unit long, it's attached to a rod by the first and last particle with 2 static particle attachments.
On this rope there is cursor, depending on an object position (a VR controller) the cursor will either have the cursor at 0 or 1 (source always at .5) . Imagine you are pulling a rope either from the start or end.
So this rope can get bigger if you pull, everything works fine here.
Now when pulling I want to attach the closest particle from the controller to it. I'm getting the closest particle (avoiding the first and last) and create the attachment using this script:

                particleAttachment = rope.gameObject.AddComponent<ObiParticleAttachment>();
                particleAttachment.enabled = false;
       = m_Controller;

                var group = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ObiParticleGroup>();
       = "Test";

                particleAttachment.particleGroup = group;
                particleAttachment.attachmentType = ObiParticleAttachment.AttachmentType.Static;
                particleAttachment.enabled = true;

And the behavior is weird, sometimes it works, sometimes points get stuck in the air like if they were attach to a world position. I feel like it's because I'm expanding the rope while dragging and sometimes the source particle can become the one attached?

Do you see any edge cases with this system?

Thanks a lot.

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  Shadow Problem
Posted by: 0xhex - 25-06-2024, 06:19 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (1)

Hello,there is something wrong with shadows on fluids,
i will share 2 screenshot one for with shadow, one without shadow

in shadow it looks weird,i need to disable shadows for fluid particles!

[Image: kb0t27n.png]

[Image: s7boin9.png]

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  Elastic Deformation Question
Posted by: wenhao_zheng - 25-06-2024, 07:32 AM - Forum: Obi Softbody - Replies (2)

Hi! Sonrojado

I want to simulate human soft tissues through the ObiSoftbody toolkit.
I have two questions, both of which do not consider plastic deformation, but only elastic deformation:
① How to modify the elastic deformation effect of the soft body. For example, the elasticity of fat is different from that of muscle. I modified the Shape Matching Constraints in the test, but the effect does not seem to meet expectations.
② I want to simulate the elasticity value of each soft tissue, so I am considering obtaining the deformation of each particle through the API for calculation. Is my idea correct?

Thank you for your attention, I really want to know how to do my work, thank you. Gran sonrisa

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