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Obi Softbody

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  1. Question About Collision Impulse (5 Replies)
  2. Usage of particle position variables (3 Replies)
  3. iOS DllNotFoundException for empty project testing your examples iOS (3 Replies)
  4. Softbody-based Crawling (3 Replies)
  5. Elastic Deformation Question (2 Replies)
  6. Soft Body with Haptics Feedback (4 Replies)
  7. Cannot generate a blueprint asset for a mesh (2 Replies)
  8. Softbody vehicle with many meshes (0 Replies)
  9. Allocating particles at the start of the game to prevent lags on creation (1 Reply)
  10. Particle Dragger Inaccurate (5 Replies)
  11. Change size of spheres using Softbody (4 Replies)
  12. Softbody for head Model sinks into ground (1 Reply)
  13. RESET Obi Softbody (11 Replies)
  14. Can ObiBone work with Softbody? (0 Replies)
  15. Tips for optimization using many characters with softbody? (2 Replies)
  16. I've made a bounce script, but don't know how to optimize (3 Replies)
  17. Setup Ignore Collisions between Body and Motor Colliders? (4 Replies)
  18. Feedback on improving the blueprint trouble shooting. (2 Replies)
  19. Please check out this model, I can't generate Full Body data for it (4 Replies)
  20. Problem with softbody and complex character with submeshes (5 Replies)
  21. Adding particles to a softbody? (2 Replies)
  22. Collision bug (8 Replies)
  23. Volume constraint and softbody? (1 Reply)
  24. What's the constraint between skeletal particles and bones? And can I disable it? (3 Replies)
  25. Read influence from a texture or vertex color instead of painting in Unity? (4 Replies)
  26. Disable/Enable ObiSoftbodySkinner at runtime? (5 Replies)
  27. What are "fixed particles"? (1 Reply)
  28. How to access the SkinnedMeshRenderer behind ObiSoftbodySkinner? (10 Replies)
  29. Where is ObiSoftbody.unitypackage? (1 Reply)
  30. Shape Matching constraint: Obi Softbody vs Blueprint editor? (2 Replies)
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