10 hours ago
(This post was last modified: 10 hours ago by josemendez.)
(10 hours ago)SemtrexHD Wrote: I want the line to follow the Hook when the hook is flying but it looks like the Hook get stopped by the line because the line dont fly with the hook and dont get longer. The Line should get longer when the hook is flying away.
That means the Line should not be strechet ist should get more Length like a real fishing line when you throw it out. And stop for example when it hit collider.tag = "Water".
Unless you explicitly write a script that does this, the rope won't automatically increase its length to follow the hook or stop doing so on a specific condition. The way you change the length of a rope at runtime is by using a cursor and calling its ChangeLength() method in your scripts, passing how much length you want it to increase/decrease.
You can see examples of cursors being used to increase the length of a rope in various of the included sample scenes (Crane, FreightLift, GrapplingHook, to name a few).
(10 hours ago)SemtrexHD Wrote: And one other question i dont get how the Stretching scale and the Stretch compliance works. When i put the Stretch Compilance on a value like 0.05 my whole hook falls down like 50-100 on the y. is it normal that such a low value = So much stretch? my current value ist 0.0001 and ist still stretching a bit.
Compliance (aka flexibility) is the inverse of stiffness, so yes very small values are to be used. Rubber for instance has a compliance of 1x10^-6 m/N (that is, 0.000001). You can look up material compliance tables online.
A compliance of 0 means "as stiff as possible, given current simulation budget" which is the default. You can increase the simulation budget by spending more substeps on the solver. Using more substeps (or decreasing rope resolution) will yield a stiffer rope.
The manual contains a very in-depth explanation of how the engine works internally and how substeps/iterations affect simulation quality.
(10 hours ago)SemtrexHD Wrote: And my Script that should Refresh the length when the Line ist getting stretcht.(What is not working)
So you do have a script that changes the length of the rope? Could you share your code so that I can take a look?
kind regards,