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Feedback How to Controll Rope Elements/segmrents and have better collision
(25-08-2024, 12:20 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!

There's no videos attached to your post. Maybe you forgot to paste the link - or if using the forum's attachment system, to click "AddAttachment" after selecting the file?

Just set the particle's inverse mass to zero. This will make them ignore any dynamics simulation and just stay in place. See:

That's simply impossible. You can't expect the rope (or any other simulated object for that matter) to move infinitely fast or stretch an infinite amount and collision detection to still work robustly, as that would essentially require infinite spatial and temporal simulation resolution and hence, infinite memory. CCD can only work to an extent, and when the rope is too stretched (under too much tension) collisions will be missed.

To improve simulation quality, you can increase rope blueprint resolution (spatial resolution) and/or increase the amount of solver substeps (temporal resolution). Another typical solution used in many games is to simply limit how fast the user can move objects around. See our troubleshooting guide:

Not sure what you mean here: tension is a force along the length of the rope that keeps it from stretching. If you disabled tension, you'd essentially have no rope simulation and all rope particles would be free to move anywhere.

This doesn't stop tension but quite the opposite: allows it to increase indefinitely. The attached rigidbody will ignore the tension force (the rope is still fully affected by it), so no matter under how much tension the rope is the object attached to the rope will be able to move around and continue stretching the rope - increasing tension. Once the tension in the rope is sufficiently high, collisions will start failing: in the real world, that would be the equivalent of the rope and/or the objects it's colliding against snapping/breaking.

I'm not sure I understand your use case, to be honest. If you could share a video of what you're looking to achieve it would help.

kind regards,

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your reply.

- 1st I cannot attatch video files due to fromat issue i tried MP4 and other formats. what format are acceptable?

- By tension i meant like pulling-force that in Wrap-a-Rope the Tenser object is pulling the Player object. If i wanted to stop this pulling i make the attachment static, but i noticed that i the colliders doesn't hold any more only for few sec then by pass other objects.

- When i said no matter how fast or stretched mainly i meant on reasonable level as how to control that (I'll try to play with resolution and see). as the intended behaviour is that the rope will act as a thread/weaving:
  • the start attachment will be fixed not moving.
  •  And then through VR controller i move the end attchment across an array of cylinders up and down (Im using the cursor to increase the length here)
  • once i reach the end of the array of cylinders i go back and forth same way until the end of the cylinder length
But the issue as im going through the cylinders theres pulling/force which i need to increase the acceleartion of the player to overcome it

and regarding going next row ill try to make invers mass to zero and see


Messages In This Thread
RE: How to Controll Rope Elements/segmrents and have better collision - by Barax94 - 26-08-2024, 04:44 AM