18-12-2020, 09:02 PM
Hi, maybe this is a non issue, but I prefer to report it anyway..
I had this problem only once, where this log was spammed so much that the game was unplayable on the editor:
I had a hanging cloth in the scene that was hit by a sphere with a collider/rigidbody plus an obicollider/obirigidbody.
The sphere was moving fast and the cloth disappeared when hit. Then the log started.
But I said this may be a non issue, because I had a second sphere in the scene that was a duplicate from the first one.
The problem was that the second sphere ObiCollider was still referencing the sphere collider from the first sphere.
So maybe that was the issue or maybe not
I had this problem only once, where this log was spammed so much that the game was unplayable on the editor:
I had a hanging cloth in the scene that was hit by a sphere with a collider/rigidbody plus an obicollider/obirigidbody.
The sphere was moving fast and the cloth disappeared when hit. Then the log started.
But I said this may be a non issue, because I had a second sphere in the scene that was a duplicate from the first one.
The problem was that the second sphere ObiCollider was still referencing the sphere collider from the first sphere.
So maybe that was the issue or maybe not
