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Log issue - LogaNRV - 18-12-2020

Hi, maybe this is a non issue, but I prefer to report it anyway..

I had this problem only once, where this log was spammed so much that the game was unplayable on the editor:


I had a hanging cloth in the scene that was hit by a sphere with a collider/rigidbody plus an obicollider/obirigidbody.
The sphere was moving fast and the cloth disappeared when hit. Then the log started.

But I said this may be a non issue, because I had a second sphere in the scene that was a duplicate from the first one.
The problem was that the second sphere ObiCollider was still referencing the sphere collider from the first sphere.
So maybe that was the issue or maybe not Sonrisa


RE: Log issue - josemendez - 18-12-2020

(18-12-2020, 09:02 PM)LogaNRV Wrote: Hi, maybe this is a non issue, but I prefer to report it anyway..

I had this problem only once, where this log was spammed so much that the game was unplayable on the editor:

I had a hanging cloth in the scene that was hit by a sphere with a collider/rigidbody plus an obicollider/obirigidbody.
The sphere was moving fast and the cloth disappeared when hit. Then the log started.

But I said this may be a non issue, because I had a second sphere in the scene that was a duplicate from the first one.
The problem was that the second sphere ObiCollider was still referencing the sphere collider from the first sphere.
So maybe that was the issue or maybe not Sonrisa


This message will appear when two neighboring cloth particles are at exactly the same position, and you’re using transform tangent and normal as the tangent space generation mode in the cloth renderer. If two particles are at exactly the same position, the vector between them is zero so a rotation quaternion can’t be generated to determine the tangent space rotation.

This should not happen under normal circumstances. Would it be possible for you to share some more info, or maybe some steps to reproduce this?

RE: Log issue - LogaNRV - 18-12-2020

No problem.

But this is weird.. I tried to change the ObiCollider in sphere 2 to point to the collider in sphere 1, but Unity tells me that the collider should live in the same object.. which is right.
Then I tried to duplicate sphere 1 again, but this time the ObiCollider in the duplicated sphere always point to the collider in the duplicated object, which is also correct.
So I don't know what I did the first time, when the collider reference was wrong.
And I'm pretty sure it was wrong, because I had to go and change it by hand, later.

If I can reproduce that at some point I will try to test this more.

But if that wasn't the problem I don't know what info I can give to you.
In the solver I have "Substeps" set to 4 and "Substep Unity Physics" disabled.
Also I'm using Burst, "Interpolation" is set to Interpolate, and the ball/sphere that hit the cloth when the log started has "Kinematic For Particles" disabled.
Apart from Obi cloth I also have the Obi softbody asset installed (but nothing from it is active in the scene). Both are the 5.6.2 version.

The other settings and the scene are the same ones that I talked in the other thread.
The scene is pretty big and I use it to integrate lots of different assets, so I cannot really share it right now.
But I will keep trying to repro this.


RE: Log issue - LogaNRV - 19-12-2020

Ok, the way to have a second sphere with an ObiCollider pointing to the collider of the first sphere is by using "Copy Component" and "Paste Component as New" in Unity (to copy the ObiCollider from the first sphere to the second one).
I have not replicated the exact same bug, but I have seen the cloth explode (fast movement, scaling up) a couple of times when been hit by the first sphere (that was moving relatively fast).
At that moment both spheres are launched far away from the center of the map, and Unity doesn't let me select any of the them.
So probably this is what happened the first time and the way to reproduce the original bug.

RE: Log issue - josemendez - 21-12-2020

(19-12-2020, 11:13 PM)LogaNRV Wrote: Ok, the way to have a second sphere with an ObiCollider pointing to the collider of the first sphere is by using "Copy Component" and "Paste Component as New" in Unity (to copy the ObiCollider from the first sphere to the second one).
I have not replicated the exact same bug, but I have seen the cloth explode (fast movement, scaling up) a couple of times when been hit by the first sphere (that was moving relatively fast).
At that moment both spheres are launched far away from the center of the map, and Unity doesn't let me select any of the them.
So probably this is what happened the first time and the way to reproduce the original bug.


This is not a bug per se, you're creating two ObiColliders wrapping around the same physical Collider (since Copy/Paste component keeps the serialized values of the component), which does not make much sense. It will likely result in both colliders being regarded as a single collider with potentially very high linear/angular velocities, in case one of them has a rigidbody component up its hierarchy.

The workaround would be to assign the correct collider manually after copying the component. Will investigate this further, nonetheless.