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Newb: Body Behavior
I am a newb to Obi, and am Struggling with recreating a simple scene with a single body and a floor. For reference I am trying to recreate the example Scene: BallPool.

In my scene I have set up the following, and thought it was identical to the example scene, mentioned above, but I am getting an odd result. My body falls to the floor and then it skids along the floor's x axis. It then falls through the floor, bouncing as it goes. 

- General: 
Obi Solver, with gravity set to a value of -9.81 (yAxis). 
Obi FixedUpdater, with the above Solver added to its Array of Solvers, subsets = 2

ObiSoftyBody, with Surface Blueprint RubberBall

Obi Collider.

Any ideas??

Messages In This Thread
Newb: Body Behavior - by Renman3000 - 31-12-2020, 08:29 PM
RE: Newb: Body Behavior - by josemendez - 02-01-2021, 10:32 AM