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Assertion failed on expression: 'offset + size <= bufLen'
(13-03-2019, 11:27 AM)MattFF Wrote: Hi,

I'm getting the same issue with my own geometry and scene, but only on a Mac. The same mesh and scene works on my Windows machine with no errors. The CharacterCloth sample scene provided with Obi Cloth is also showing the same errors on the Mac, but not the Windows machine. 

Both machines are using Unity 2018.3.5f1 and set to the "PC, Mac & Linux Standalone" platform. The target platforms are different though, the Windows machine is set to "Windows" and the Mac is set to "Mac OS X". 

The full error message i'm receiving is:

Assertion failed on expression: 'offset + size <= bufLen'

0   Unity                               0x000000010197460c _Z13GetStacktracei + 92
1   Unity                               0x00000001001874fb _Z17DebugStringToFileRK21DebugStringToFileData + 795
2   Unity                               0x000000010078ab7b _ZN11BufferMetal10BeginWriteEmm + 811
3   Unity                               0x000000010078a7cd _ZN18GfxDeviceMetalBase12UpdateBufferEP9GfxBufferPKv20GfxUpdateBufferFlags + 189
4   Unity                               0x0000000102a5e1f0 _ZN15GfxDeviceWorker10RunCommandER20ThreadedStreamBuffer + 27200
5   Unity                               0x000000010078eeec GfxDeviceWorkerAutoreleasePoolProxy + 60
6   Unity                               0x0000000102a61a20 _ZN15GfxDeviceWorker6RunExtER20ThreadedStreamBuffer + 160
7   Unity                               0x0000000102a574c1 _ZN15GfxDeviceWorker18RunGfxDeviceWorkerEPv + 145
8   Unity                               0x0000000100e68d22 _ZN6Thread16RunThreadWrapperEPv + 1234
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff5e6d9661 _pthread_body + 340
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff5e6d950d _pthread_body + 0
11  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff5e6d8bf9 thread_start + 13


I develop on Mac (MacPro - mid 2014 and a MacBook Air) and I've never encountered this issue.

The stack trace does not contain anything Obi-related, things like:

"GfxDeviceMetalBase UpdateBuffer GfxBuffer UpdateBufferFlags
BufferMetal BeginWrite"

make me think it could be a Metal related issue. Does it happen if you switch to a different rendering API?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Assertion failed on expression: 'offset + size <= bufLen' - by josemendez - 13-03-2019, 11:54 AM