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Assertion failed on expression: 'offset + size <= bufLen'

Followed the quick setup guide.  Brought in an Obi Solver into the scene, set a child object with a Skin Mesh Renderer up with the Obi Cloth Component (along with it's additional components all left as default), then clicked initialize.

After hitting play, I get slammed with this error message:

Assertion failed on expression: 'offset + size <= bufLen'

Over and over again.  Everything in the setup was not really modified a part from bringing in the appropriate data for setting up the Game Object.  Has anyone had to deal with this issue and/or know how to deal with it?

I've brought just the Model into a scene and set it up, got the error message when it's simulating.  In our main scene, as soon as the character is to animate through a Timeline, the character freezes up and the child object on the character isn't getting affected by the Obi Cloth.


Messages In This Thread
Assertion failed on expression: 'offset + size <= bufLen' - by azevedco - 06-03-2019, 04:50 PM