28-10-2018, 10:39 AM
(25-10-2018, 10:38 PM)phys_modeler Wrote: Hi everyone. I am considering purchase of the remarkable Obi Rope to do some custom physical modeling in Unity, and wanted to ask a question.
Model the self-generated motion of a set of electrical cables, via Obi Rope
1. I'd model a set of connected ropes, Obi via stitch constraints.
2. Then I'd like to treat some of the ropes as "electric cables", in the sense that they will produce a scripted magnetic force on each other.
3. I'd like to script the force in a C# method that iterates over each Obi particle in those "electric cables", to produce the mutually-induced net magnetic force on just those cables.
4. When the net magnetic force is calculated, I add it to other forces, and model (1.) moves an increment under the net force.
5. I loop the method of (3.) to see the evolution of the shape of the connected ropes over some timeframe.
6. Changing "current": I increase some Inspector property value to alter current in (3.), hence the force, to see how it changes the evolution of the shape.
Questions / Notes:
To perform method (3.), is it possible to set and get all Obi particle properties of model (1.) from within a C# script method? Or is there a different way to add a custom physics force?
I don't need real-time performance; even something that updates rope positions once a minute would be ok.
Thanks for any thoughts. If such custom physics sim is generally feasible, I'll purchase and just give it a shot.
HI there,
You can add custom external forces by either modifying particle velocities:
Or, using the Oni.AddParticleExternalForces() function, which does it for you.
See the ObiExternalForceZone derived classes (ObiSphericalForceZone or ObiAmbientForceZone) for examples on how to use it.