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Help  Trying to render bubbly foam
(17-07-2024, 07:40 AM)josemendez Wrote: You can adjust the capacity (among many other fluid properties) in the emitter blueprint. Remember to click "Generate" after changing the blueprint parameters!

Ah, okay. I'd missed the Generate button.  However, after increasing the Capacity and clicking Generate, I get the following error, and the Emitter appears unaffected:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Obi.ObiActorBlueprintEditor.Refresh () (at Assets/Obi/Editor/Common/Blueprints/ObiActorBlueprintEditor.cs:416)
Obi.ObiActorBlueprintEditor.Generate () (at Assets/Obi/Editor/Common/Blueprints/ObiActorBlueprintEditor.cs:143)
Obi.ObiEmitterBlueprintEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Obi/Editor/Fluid/Blueprints/ObiEmitterBlueprintEditor.cs:32)
UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement+<>c__DisplayClass72_0.<CreateInspectorElementUsingIMGUI>b__0 () (at <5d5ebefe97114215928ac1d9cd096522>:0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtilityLenguarocessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)

(17-07-2024, 07:40 AM)josemendez Wrote: You're rendering both the particles and the surface of the fluid. Also, depending on which render pipeline you're using, ObiFluidRenderer or ObiFluidRendererFeature are used to render the fluid.

Ahhh, yes.  I'm using URP, so naturally it's the render feature I need to adjust.  Makes sense!

One more issue:  The particles are rendered with hard outlines, like so:


In order to soften those (as seen in the video in my original post) I rendered the particles with a separate camera, to a RenderTexture, and then layered that over the scene with an blur effect in a shader I made.  Unfortunately, using that technique means the foam is rendered without regard for other objects in the scene, as you can see above.  So, is there any way to blur/soften/reduce those hard edges?

Messages In This Thread
Trying to render bubbly foam - by Barliesque - 17-07-2024, 12:11 AM
RE: Trying to render bubbly foam - by josemendez - 17-07-2024, 07:40 AM
RE: Trying to render bubbly foam - by Barliesque - 17-07-2024, 09:40 PM
RE: Trying to render bubbly foam - by josemendez - 18-07-2024, 09:10 AM