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Help  How can I make Fluid not look like grains?
ObiParticleRenderer Obi Solver and Obi Emitter look like grains, not liquid.
Using a blueprint that looks like a liquid and uses "FluidViscosity" And "FaucetAndBucket" in the Sample did not solve this problem.

This Obi Fluid Renderer description may be relevant.

However, specifying the Emitters placed in the scene in the Particle Renderers of the Obi Fluid Renderer did not change the appearance.

Also, all the Obi Fluid Renderer values for "FaucetAndBucket" in the sample "FluidViscosity" look default.

Messages In This Thread
How can I make Fluid not look like grains? - by KBTIT_ - 07-04-2024, 03:20 AM