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Problems with a few scenes out of the box
(27-10-2022, 07:38 AM)josemendez Wrote: Yes, this is normal. There's a few threads about this subject around the forums:

Unity sometimes changes the internal order in which mesh vertices are stored from version to version. So skin maps created on an older Unity version store vertex influences in an order that doesn't match the one used by the new version. Last time this happened was in 2021.1. The previous instance of this happening was 2019.2 with the introduction of mesh optimization options, if I recall correctly.

Just hitting "bind skin" will re-generate skin information anew, using the new vertex order. This fixes the issue. Note this only happens when loading blueprints created on a previous Unity version, any blueprints you create yourself won't have this problem.

Unfortunately there's no way for us to fix this ourselves, short of updating all sample scenes to the newest Unity version with every Unity update, which would lock us into supporting only one specific version. We can only hope for Unity to stop altering mesh serialization for seemingly no reason.

kind regards,

Thank you so much for the prompt reply!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Problems with a few scenes out of the box - by michele_lf - 28-10-2022, 11:49 AM