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Help  Streo Rendering mode

We are switching from Obi fluid 6 to 7. After switching to 7, obi right and left eye problems started to occur on meta devices. We can solve this by making Streo Rendering mode multiview in 6. However, this problem is not solved in 7. It looks correct if the user closes their left eye. It is not visible when you close your right eye. When you look with both eyes, a double flow appears. Do we need to make extra settings?

It gets fixed when you multipass. However, in our project, we receive different errors like this. We had no problems with the same settings in 6.
(16-09-2024, 09:47 AM)ugurcamoglu35 Wrote: Hi,

We are switching from Obi fluid 6 to 7. After switching to 7, obi right and left eye problems started to occur on meta devices. We can solve this by making Streo Rendering mode multiview in 6. However, this problem is not solved in 7. It looks correct if the user closes their left eye. It is not visible when you close your right eye. When you look with both eyes, a double flow appears. Do we need to make extra settings?

It gets fixed when you multipass. However, in our project, we receive different errors like this. We had no problems with the same settings in 6.


Which render pipeline are you using? In URP, we support single-pass stereo so there should be no need to use multipass/multiview. In built-in, we currently only support multipass, as we did in Obi 6.

kind regards
(16-09-2024, 10:37 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi,

Which render pipeline are you using? In URP, we support single-pass stereo so there should be no need to use multipass/multiview. In built-in, we currently only support multipass, as we did in Obi 6.

kind regards


We use, Built-in Render Pipeline.We can use multiview in obi 6. When I made Obi 7, multiview became a problem.

Kind Regards,
(16-09-2024, 11:56 AM)ugurcamoglu35 Wrote: Hi,

We use, Built-in Render Pipeline.We can use multiview in obi 6. When I made Obi 7, multiview became a problem.

Kind Regards,


There's never been support for single-pass multiview rendering in Obi. This is a OpenGL-only special mode that requires specific GPU support and instancing support.

Obi 6 only supported multipass mode, as stated in the FAQ. I don't know why multi view works for you, as it really shouldn't. If it does work, I'd suggest staying in Obi 6 until we get to add multiview support to Obi 7.

kind regards,