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Full Version: Crash when run on iOS
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I am trying to run my project on iOS.  It keeps crashing after I added an Obi Softbody into my scene.  My project ran fine before the softbody and still runs fine from within Unity.  But when exported to iOS and run it crashes every time after a couple seconds.

I wanted to ensure that nothing I was doing was causing the crash so I created a brand new project, added only the Obi softbody from the asset store.  Set the sample dragon scene as the default and exported the project to iOS.  When run on a phone I get the exact same crash every time.  It runs for a couple seconds (properly as far as I can tell) and then crashes in the same spot every time. (although once I did get it to crash in a different spot)

The crash occurs both on a standalone run on the phone AND if I run through the debugger.

The crash is a "Bad Access" and occurs within the ONI library at the call to ApplyPositionInterpolation here:

extern "C" IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR void Oni_ApplyPositionInterpolation_m3B1DC6EDDB01EBAED38CBCD4062D222EC2245707 (intptr_t ___solver0, uint32_t ___substeps1, float ___substep_dt2, const RuntimeMethod* method)
typedef void (DEFAULT_CALL *PInvokeFunc) (intptr_t, uint32_t, float);

// Native function invocation
reinterpret_cast<PInvokeFunc>(ApplyPositionInterpolation)(___solver0, ___substeps1, ___substep_dt2);


The one other place I've seen it crash is in Oni::TaskQueue::NextTask
But I only saw that once.

Specs of the test environment:

iPhone XS Max
iOS 12.1.4
XCode Version 10.1 (10B61)

I have also attached some screenshots of the crash so you can see the call stack.

Is this a known bug?  If so, is there a patch or anything I can do to fix it?
No response to this at all?  This forum seems to be the only avenue to get support for this product.  I would think a crash that happens 100% of the time would at least warrant a response.

I understand crashes are sometimes difficult to track down but this one feels like it should be a priority.

If your iOS developer quit, I am a very experienced c++ developer turned native iOS dev. You can send me an NDA and the C source code and I’ll see if I can fix it myself. And I’m not kidding.
(25-03-2019, 11:19 PM)Protemus Wrote: [ -> ]No response to this at all?  This forum seems to be the only avenue to get support for this product.  I would think a crash that happens 100% of the time would at least warrant a response.

I understand crashes are sometimes difficult to track down but this one feels like it should be a priority.

If your iOS developer quit, I am a very experienced c++ developer turned native iOS dev.  You can send me an NDA and the C source code and I’ll see if I can fix it myself.  And I’m not kidding.

Hi there,

This issue has been fixed a while ago, and we're working on pushing the update to the store. It was due to a compiler bug (specifically, an issue when using std::thread primitives) affecting devices using the A12 processor (XS, XS Max and iPad 2019). Please write to our support email (support(at) so that we can send you a hot fix, simply replacing the included libOni.a library file with the patched one is required.