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Three questions:

1. Do blend shapes affect Obi SoftBody simulation in any way? I.e. if a skinned mesh is changed through blend shapes, does that change transfer into the simulation as a new "rest state"?

2. Is it possible to run Obi SoftBody on a compute buffer of your own choosing? I.e., imagine you have your own skinning method and want to run Obi SoftBody on it after the skinning.

3. Can you initialize a mesh programmatically to run on Obi SoftBody?

Thanks for your time.
(01-02-2019, 05:14 PM)RandomWaterbird Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Three questions:

1. Do blend shapes affect Obi SoftBody simulation in any way? I.e. if a skinned mesh is changed through blend shapes, does that change transfer into the simulation as a new "rest state"?

2. Is it possible to run Obi SoftBody on a compute buffer of your own choosing? I.e., imagine you have your own skinning method and want to run Obi SoftBody on it after the skinning.

3. Can you initialize a mesh programmatically to run on Obi SoftBody?

Thanks for your time.

1.- No, blend shapes are not accounted for when performing the simulation, as part of what makes the simulation possible is a pretty costly precomputation step (that would have to be performed every frame for blend shapes).

2.- Obi uses Unity's standard SkinnedMeshRenderer for skinning. Any modifications you want to do after it (such as in the vertex shader) should be doable.

3.- Yes you can. However, the initialization method is a coroutine and will take a while to get completed. (since it performs the heavy precomputation I talked about in question #1).