Using Unity 2018.3.3f1 + HD Render Pipeline
Softbody 4
I have low performance on most scenes.
Deep profiler image attached highlighting Oni.WaitForAllTasks.
No errors or warnings, except for Plastic Sheet scene.*
Affected scenes:
Deformable Barrels
Elastic Character
*Plastic Sheet (The wall in this scene is missing a mesh, causing NullReferenceException for ObiSoftBody.CreateBones)
Rubber Dragon
Ball Pool is OK
This is a clean new project.
In 2018.2.20f1, the profiler has a different look.
No HD Render Pipeline in this project.
Clean project to test the asset.
Updated Softbody to 4.0.1
It is now able to reach high framerate, but performance is unstable and can drop by doing nothing.
(29-01-2019, 03:55 PM)Tesrym Wrote: [ -> ]Updated Softbody to 4.0.1
It is now able to reach high framerate, but performance is unstable and can drop by doing nothing.
This is because you're at the verge of death spiralling, which is a very common problem in all physics engines. This will cause Unity to perform two physics steps some frames, instead of only one. Once any two frames take too long to render, it will nosedive into the spiral. Reducing your max fixed timestep (Project->Time->max fixed timestep) and/or removing vsync will probably fix it. See:
Anyway, there's yet another update soon to be released, that boosts performance even further (probably to the 130-170 fps range in your case).
(30-01-2019, 08:28 AM)josemendez Wrote: [ -> ]Reducing your max fixed timestep (Project->Time->max fixed timestep) and/or removing vsync will probably fix it.
Editor vsync is off.
I am familiar with the death spiral video, and have tried many different time values but the game always chokes shortly after start.
Obi Cloth on the other hand does not even need time tweaking. It always works

(30-01-2019, 04:37 PM)Tesrym Wrote: [ -> ]Editor vsync is off.
I am familiar with the death spiral video, and have tried many different time values but the game always chokes shortly after start.
Obi Cloth on the other hand does not even need time tweaking. It always works 
We have just uploaded version 4.0.2, which should be out shortly. Make sure to try it out, as we have switched to a different compiler in Windows and performance is much, much better. Same for ObiCloth, actually.
(31-01-2019, 06:22 PM)josemendez Wrote: [ -> ]We have just uploaded version 4.0.2
That worked.
Your products keep impressing me.
I fired 50 spheres into the barrel deformation scene, and it sits at a rock solid 180 fps. No spikes. Default timings. Everything is moving around so smoothly.
4.0.2 performance is much, much better.