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is it possible to slow down the obi cloth solver?
what i tried: 
-setting the damping to 0.9999
-reducing and increasing the substeps (i noticed that increasing it would speed up the simulation) at 1 its the slowest possible, but that is still way too fast
-increased and decreased the iterations on the constraints with no effect
-distance constraints stiffness to 0, and slack all the way up to 1, also with no effect
-i reduced the the timescale and also increased the fixed update in unity it got super jaggy, i made the mode in the solver interpolate (speed got back to normal with minor benefits towards the goal im aiming for)
-a combination of all of the above

what i am trying to achieve is this:
stretch the cloth (which i was successful in) but slow down it's return to normal considerably
(25-10-2018, 10:42 AM)wixar172 Wrote: [ -> ]hello,
is it possible to slow down the obi cloth solver?
what i tried: 
-setting the damping to 0.9999
-reducing and increasing the substeps (i noticed that increasing it would speed up the simulation) at 1 its the slowest possible, but that is still way too fast
-increased and decreased the iterations on the constraints with no effect
-distance constraints stiffness to 0, and slack all the way up to 1, also with no effect
-i reduced the the timescale and also increased the fixed update in unity it got super jaggy, i made the mode in the solver interpolate (speed got back to normal with minor benefits towards the goal im aiming for)
-a combination of all of the above

what i am trying to achieve is this:
stretch the cloth (which i was successful in) but slow down it's return to normal considerably

It depends on what you mean by "slow down" the solver. You can slow down time, slow down convergence speed, decrease stiffness... all have different effects.

To slow down time, reduce the timescale and set the solver to use interpolation, just as you mention you did.
To slow down convergence speed, set the SOR factor of your constraints to a very small value.
To decrease constraint stiffness.... well, decrease constraint stiffness Sonrisa.
(25-10-2018, 10:48 AM)josemendez Wrote: [ -> ]It depends on what you mean by "slow down" the solver. You can slow down time, slow down convergence speed, decrease stiffness... all have different effects.

To slow down time, reduce the timescale and set the solver to use interpolation, just as you mention you did.
To slow down convergence speed, set the SOR factor of your constraints to a very small value.
To decrease constraint stiffness.... well, decrease constraint stiffness Sonrisa.

thank you, i will try this
Best Regards