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Full Version: Rope not rendering / can not adjust control points
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I have a fresh install of Obi Robe 6.5.4 on Unity 2022.3.17f1. Setting up my first blueprint worked. After that, All the example Blueprints as well as new Blueprints and Ropes I create only show as a line and don't render the rope. When I try to adjust the control points on the one working blueprint I have, the rendered rope does not follow (See pictures).
No errors in the Log.

Any help?
(28-01-2024, 08:38 PM)lela_tabathy Wrote: [ -> ]I have a fresh install of Obi Robe 6.5.4 on Unity 2022.3.17f1. Setting up my first blueprint worked. After that, All the example Blueprints as well as new Blueprints and Ropes I create only show as a line and don't render the rope. When I try to adjust the control points on the one working blueprint I have, the rendered rope does not follow (See pictures).
No errors in the Log.

Any help?

Hi there,

I'm unable to reproduce this issue. Which backend are you using? (Burst or Oni). Which render pipeline? Which OS are you running the editor on (Mac/Windows)?

kind regards,
I'm on Windows, using Burst Backend, URP.
I will go into more depth and see if something in my rendering or project settings is causing this.
I found the issue. When creating a new rope, under the new Solver the „Fixed Updater“ component is not being created automatically. When I add it and assign the solver, everything works.
(06-02-2024, 03:46 PM)lela_tabathy Wrote: [ -> ]I found the issue. When creating a new rope, under the new Solver the „Fixed Updater“ component is not being created automatically. When I add it and assign the solver, everything works.


Been unable to reproduce this either: when creating a new actor (rope, rod, bone, etc), a new ObiSolver is created if there is not one already present in the scene, and then a ObiFixedUpdater should be also automatically created if there’s not one present. After that, the solver is added to the first updater found in the scene (the one that was just created, or a previously existing one if there was one)

Note this automatic setup only takes place when using the GameObject menu, if you add components manually then you must set them up manually. If this is not the behavior you’re getting:

- are there any errors/warnings popping up when creating the rope object (as they could prevent the updater from being created)?
- could you record a video of the outcome?

Let me know if I can be of further help,

Kind regards