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Full Version: Cloth jitter on a flat surface
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I have a simple ObiCloth, that jitters when it is sitting on a box collider as soon as the scene starts.

The collider has no collision material set. I have attached images of the configurations in Unity. Obviously if I turn up damping way up, it goes away, but then nothing happens in the simulation at all!

What should I tweak to fix this?
(18-08-2023, 07:24 PM)sebjf Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I have a simple ObiCloth, that jitters when it is sitting on a box collider as soon as the scene starts.

The collider has no collision material set. I have attached images of the configurations in Unity. Obviously if I turn up damping way up, it goes away, but then nothing happens in the simulation at all!

What should I tweak to fix this?

What are your cloth component settings and your solver constraints settings?

Off the top of my head, if your cloth using surface collisions this can be due to a low surface collision tolerance setting. See the last bit of:
It can also happen if the surface is a kinematic rigidbody and the cloth particles have extremely low mass (you can check each particle's mass in the blueprint editor.)

kind regards,
Thanks josemendez,

It turned out to be the particles had inconsistent masses in the Blueprint. I updated them all to small values and the cloth is stable now.