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Full Version: Pulse upon click/touch
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Dear Jose,

since you've helped me out perfectly the last two times, let's try another one Guiño

So my setup is this: 8 OBI Softbodies in a circle. When I click on any one of them they should keep their position, but a pulse/shockwave/wobble should jiggle them around for a second when you click on them. Is it possible to write a script that bounces the particles around until they wobble back to their initial position? I just want a nice short wobble reaction to a click (without dragging).
I was thinking about having an invisible OBI collider move through the objects when I click, but this would be a hassle to set up, and maybe there's a more elegant way to do it?

Thank you so much!


P.S.: REALLY happy about your plugin so far!! Recommending it to everyone I know!
Okay in the meantime I found a simple solution that satisfies my needs, for anyone interested.
I created a very short animation clip for the softbody - only 10 frames that move the softbody extremely fast in all directions, but after this short clip the softbody has enough momentum to jiggle and wiggle exactly as I wanted.
Still curious if there are other ways as well Sonrisa