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Full Version: Issues with dynamic attachments not responding
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I have a VR project that needs a chain with grabbable ends. I believe I have the correct configuration as I followed the Chains sample scene when making the dynamic particle attachments and setting up ObiColliders and ObiRigidbodies.  However, when I grab one end, the other end does not follow and the chain just stretches.

Here's the bizarre part. When holding one end and then using the player rotate input, the end that I'm holding starts to be affected by the chain physics. I've narrowed it down to the fact that my player rotate logic involves parenting the grabbable to the hand and then reparenting it to its original parent after the rotation. If I let go of the grabbable after doing this and then grab the other end, it pulls the free-end as expected. So it seems like reparenting the grabbable (which has a Unity and Obi Rigidbody) makes it start responding to the rope physics.

Anyone have an idea what could be going on?

Note: I'm using HurricaneVR for the grab interaction system which uses configurable joints to move a held grabbable.

Additional issue: The chain seems to twist rapidly when moving either end. Is there a setting somewhere that could make it only twist if the end is twisted or at least make the twisting less spastic?

I've concluded that the attachment points being childed to a NetworkIdentity is the root of the problem. Any chance someone has experience using ObiRope with Mirror?

This thread can be closed. I'm going with a hacky solution for now (just reparenting on Start)