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Even if Obi solver collision iteration 20 when I jam the car, the bug occurs as below. How can I handle it?

(23-01-2023, 04:08 PM)patriot4947 Wrote: [ -> ]Even if Obi solver collision iteration 20 when I jam the car, the bug occurs as below. How can I handle it?


Not sure what I'm looking at in your image. Assuming this is some form of tunneling (objects passing trough other objects), I'd need some extra info:
- Is the car moving, or the wall moving, or both?
- In case the wall is moving, how are you moving it? (note that translating objects using transform.position = something is basically teleporting it, so nothing would stop you from teleporting a wall or other object inside the car).

kind regards,
(23-01-2023, 04:24 PM)josemendez Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Not sure what I'm looking at in your image. Assuming this is some form of tunneling (objects passing trough other objects), I'd need some extra info:
- Is the car moving, or the wall moving, or both?
- In case the wall is moving, how are you moving it? (note that translating objects using transform.position = something is basically teleporting it, so nothing would stop you from teleporting a wall or other object inside the car).

kind regards,
both of them are moving car moving with obi softbody force and wall moving with transform translate
(23-01-2023, 04:37 PM)patriot4947 Wrote: [ -> ]both of them are moving car moving with obi softbody force and wall moving with transform translate

That means the wall is essentially teleporting from frame to frame, which will make it very easy to overlap other objects.

In Unity, to move an object in a way consistent with physics it must be a kinematic rigidbody and you should use the rigidbodie's MovePosition() method. (Or, non-kinematic object and move it by using AddForce() if you wish for it to react to other object's movement).

kind regards,