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Full Version: broken/garbled net mesh in SoccerGoal example
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I get this in SoccerGoal example in playmode (looks fine in editor) using Obi 6.3 and Unity 2021.2.3f1 with default/legacy RP. What could be causing this? 


I've played around with many settings just to see how they affect the net but none of it changed the visuals. 

PS Offtopic: could you please update the forum's limits for uploading images? 100 KB for images is way too restrictive, I would expect to be able to upload images with up to 2 MB at least.
Quote:I get this in SoccerGoal example in playmode (looks fine in editor) using Obi 6.3 and Unity 2021.2.3f1 with default/legacy RP. What could be causing this?

Probably Unity messed up mesh vertex ordering. From time to time, there's a Unity version that changes how meshes are imported and reorders vertices (last one that did was 2019.3, with the "optimize mesh" default import setting). From any asset's POV, this means the serialized mesh data and the one imported by Unity don't match, so meshes created/edited in older Unity versions get garbled up.

Re-generating the cloth blueprint should fix it. Make a copy of the original one, that way you can use it as reference for creating particle groups and setting particle properties (radius, masses, etc).

Any blueprints created in your current Unity version will work fine. Only mesh blueprints created in older versions and imported into a newer one may cause trouble.

Unfortunately the only fix for this on my end is to recreate all sample scenes using that specific Unity version as a baseline and reupload the asset, losing compatibility with all previous Unity versions in the process which is ofc not ideal.

Let me know how it goes!

Quote:PS Offtopic: could you please update the forum's limits for uploading images? 100 KB for images is way too restrictive, I would expect to be able to upload images with up to 2 MB at least.

Thing is hosting costs have been skyrocketing for me lately. If every user got to upload 2Mb attachments, traffic and hosting costs would soon be too high for me to assume unfortunately. Could only do that by increasing asset prices, which I'm adamant to avoid if at all possible. Hope you understand.  Sonrojado

It's best to use an external image hosting system (imgur for instance) and just paste the link.
Thanks for the tips! I'll check that.
UPDATE: Fixed. I duplicated the blueprint and hit the Generate button on the clone, then assigned the cloned blueprint. Net looks fine but seems not to be attached at all points at the top post. Though I think I can get that fixed.
UPDATE 2: Fixed the attachments. The "Obi Particle Attachment" component was misleading me since the groups were still assigned. However they must have referred to the original blueprints particle groups. I used the same names so that wasn't obvious. Simply selecting the group again from the dropdown fixed the net.

As far as hosting is concerned, I'm so used to the price structure of "traffic = unlimited" and "disk space = more than I would ever need" for prices of around 50€ per month (dedicated server). Maybe you should consider switching services? Guiño
(26-11-2021, 10:47 AM)DeprecatedHuman Wrote: [ -> ]As far as hosting is concerned, I'm so used to the price structure of "traffic = unlimited" and "disk space = more than I would ever need" for prices of around 50€ per month (dedicated server). Maybe you should consider switching services? Guiño

Will look into it, maybe I should. Thanks!

Edit: went trough the numbers and upgraded my hosting plan (was at 97% traffic limit anyway), I've cranked up all image file sizes to 1 Mb. Will see how it goes this month, and if there's enough headroom will crank it up some more Sonrisa
(26-11-2021, 11:00 AM)josemendez Wrote: [ -> ]Edit: went trough the numbers and upgraded my hosting plan (was at 97% traffic limit anyway), I've cranked up all image file sizes to 1 Mb. Will see how it goes this month, and if there's enough headroom will crank it up some more Sonrisa

Nice! Gran sonrisa

I'll give it a try, here's the beautifully restored goal net: