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Full Version: Obi stitch constrain needs some sort of offset in some cases
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I have a hat which is controled by obi softbody (because it needs to be stiffer than the cloth simulation can do without a lot of iterations), the brim of the hat has a ribbon which dangles from it. 

Im controling the ribbon with Obi cloth, and need to stitch the ribbon to the brim of the hat. However when generating the hat blueprint, the particles are not accurate to the verticies of the visual mesh like they are when using obi cloth, so the ribbon cannot be placed in the correct position.

[Image: a16dfdb8179dd00ad55e2c99849358db.png]
This can be improved a little bit by reducing the anisotropy neighbourhood, which brings the particles closer to the edge of the brim, however it causes the particle orientations to mess up if i do that. [Image: b3cde82d6a7e74d9d777deaf0f968de1.png]
Do you have any advice for dealing with the situation?
(23-05-2021, 04:39 AM)Hakazaba Wrote: [ -> ]I have a hat which is controled by obi softbody (because it needs to be stiffer than the cloth simulation can do without a lot of iterations), the brim of the hat has a ribbon which dangles from it. 

Im controling the ribbon with Obi cloth, and need to stitch the ribbon to the brim of the hat. However when generating the hat blueprint, the particles are not accurate to the verticies of the visual mesh like they are when using obi cloth, so the ribbon cannot be placed in the correct position.

[Image: a16dfdb8179dd00ad55e2c99849358db.png]
This can be improved a little bit by reducing the anisotropy neighbourhood, which brings the particles closer to the edge of the brim, however it causes the particle orientations to mess up if i do that. [Image: b3cde82d6a7e74d9d777deaf0f968de1.png]
Do you have any advice for dealing with the situation?

Set the softbody blueprint’s “shape smoothing” parameter to zero. Shape smoothing is basically a laplacian smoothing operation. Setting it to zero will generate the particles exactly at the mesh vertex positions.

Thanks. That works. Is there a way for me to delete specific constraint connections made by the blueprint generator?
(25-05-2021, 02:41 AM)Hakazaba Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. That works. Is there a way for me to delete specific constraint connections made by the blueprint generator?

Not currently.

Clusters are centered at each particle and encompass all particles within the cluster radius, to ensure they're as close to "spherical" as possible. Thin, long chain-like clusters can behave weirdly, so allowing arbitrary user-defined clusters will require some improvements to the core shape matching algorithm.