Since Obi Cloth doesn't currently support 2019, are there parameters I could set on something like the plastic sheet example that would give me cloth sheet like properties? Thanks!
(17-10-2019, 05:10 AM)ary1111 Wrote: [ -> ]Since Obi Cloth doesn't currently support 2019, are there parameters I could set on something like the plastic sheet example that would give me cloth sheet like properties? Thanks!
Hi there!
Foreword: If you do not require character (skinned) cloth, and don't mind the sample scenes being screwed up due to 2019 not being able to correctly interpret cloth made in 2018,
Obi Cloth works fine in 2019. However these two issues (characters and having a good first contact experience) are pretty central to what most users require so we warn about it in the store.
Now, you can get something relatively close to cloth using ObiSoftbody:
- Reduce "Particle Radius" so that at least one particle per vertex is generated.
- Use a very low "Soft cluster radius", low enough that particles only attach to their immediate neighbors.
- At this point the soft body should be pretty flexible and somewhat resemble cloth.
Negative points about this approach:
- bending and stretching stiffness are tightly coupled, you cannot independently adjust them which is pretty necessary for cloth.
- rendering is more expensive as it uses linear blend skinning, instead of directly mapping vertices to particles like cloth does.
- simulation is also more expensive as shape matching constraints use particle orientation info, while cloth only uses particle positions.
kind regards,