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Full Version: Crash on iPhone XS
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hi all;

When the game starts with a scene containing any Obi Fluid particle emitter, we get a 100% crash.

We have the following call stack:

    0x1016592dc <+0>:   stp    x22, x21, [sp, #-0x30]!
    0x1016592e0 <+4>:   stp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1016592e4 <+8>:   stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1016592e8 <+12>:  add    x29, sp, #0x20            ; =0x20
    0x1016592ec <+16>:  mov    x19, x0
    0x1016592f0 <+20>:  orr    w8, wzr, #0x1
    0x1016592f4 <+24>:  ldaxrb w9, [x19]
    0x1016592f8 <+28>:  stxrb  w10, w8, [x19]
    0x1016592fc <+32>:  and    w9, w9, #0x1
    0x101659300 <+36>:  cmp    w10, #0x0                 ; =0x0
    0x101659304 <+40>:  ccmp   w9, #0x0, #0x0, eq
    0x101659308 <+44>:   0x1016592f4               ; <+24>
    0x10165930c <+48>:  ldr    x20, [x19, #0x8]
    0x101659310 <+52>:  ldr    x22, [x20, #0x10]
    0x101659314 <+56>:  cbz    x22, 0x1016593d4          ; <+248>
    0x101659318 <+60>:  ldp    x9, x8, [x22]
    0x10165931c <+64>:  cbz    x8, 0x101659334           ; <+88>
    0x101659320 <+68>:  add    x10, x8, #0x8             ; =0x8
    0x101659324 <+72>:  ldxr   x11, [x10]
    0x101659328 <+76>:  add    x11, x11, #0x1            ; =0x1
    0x10165932c <+80>:  stxr   w12, x11, [x10]
    0x101659330 <+84>:  cbnz   w12, 0x101659324          ; <+72>
    0x101659334 <+88>:  ldr    x21, [x1, #0x8]
    0x101659338 <+92>:  stp    x9, x8, [x1]
    0x10165933c <+96>:  cbz    x21, 0x101659370          ; <+148>
    0x101659340 <+100>: add    x8, x21, #0x8             ; =0x8
    0x101659344 <+104>: ldaxr  x9, [x8]
    0x101659348 <+108>: sub    x10, x9, #0x1             ; =0x1
    0x10165934c <+112>: stlxr  w11, x10, [x8]
    0x101659350 <+116>: cbnz   w11, 0x101659344          ; <+104>
    0x101659354 <+120>: cbnz   x9, 0x101659370           ; <+148>
    0x101659358 <+124>: ldr    x8, [x21]
    0x10165935c <+128>: ldr    x8, [x8, #0x10]
    0x101659360 <+132>: mov    x0, x21
    0x101659364 <+136>: blr    x8
    0x101659368 <+140>: mov    x0, x21
    0x10165936c <+144>: bl     0x1023a58e8               ; symbol stub for: std::__1::__shared_weak_count::__release_weak()
    0x101659370 <+148>: ldr    x0, [x22]
    0x101659374 <+152>: ldr    x8, [x0]
->  0x101659378 <+156>: ldr    x8, [x8, #0x10]
    0x10165937c <+160>: blr    x8
    0x101659380 <+164>: cbz    w0, 0x1016593cc           ; <+240>
    0x101659384 <+168>: str    x22, [x19, #0x8]
    0x101659388 <+172>: cbz    x20, 0x1016593cc          ; <+240>
    0x10165938c <+176>: ldr    x21, [x20, #0x8]
    0x101659390 <+180>: cbz    x21, 0x1016593c4          ; <+232>
    0x101659394 <+184>: add    x8, x21, #0x8             ; =0x8
    0x101659398 <+188>: ldaxr  x9, [x8]
    0x10165939c <+192>: sub    x10, x9, #0x1             ; =0x1
    0x1016593a0 <+196>: stlxr  w11, x10, [x8]
    0x1016593a4 <+200>: cbnz   w11, 0x101659398          ; <+188>
    0x1016593a8 <+204>: cbnz   x9, 0x1016593c4           ; <+232>
    0x1016593ac <+208>: ldr    x8, [x21]
    0x1016593b0 <+212>: ldr    x8, [x8, #0x10]
    0x1016593b4 <+216>: mov    x0, x21
    0x1016593b8 <+220>: blr    x8
    0x1016593bc <+224>: mov    x0, x21
    0x1016593c0 <+228>: bl     0x1023a58e8               ; symbol stub for: std::__1::__shared_weak_count::__release_weak()
    0x1016593c4 <+232>: mov    x0, x20
    0x1016593c8 <+236>: bl     0x100ca8410               ; ::operator delete() at MemoryManager.cpp:261
    0x1016593cc <+240>: orr    w0, wzr, #0x1
    0x1016593d0 <+244>: b      0x1016593d8               ; <+252>
    0x1016593d4 <+248>: mov    w0, #0x0
    0x1016593d8 <+252>: stlrb  wzr, [x19]
    0x1016593dc <+256>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1016593e0 <+260>: ldp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1016593e4 <+264>: ldp    x22, x21, [sp], #0x30
    0x1016593e8 <+268>: ret
    0x1016593ec <+272>: stlrb  wzr, [x19]
    0x1016593f0 <+276>: bl     0x1023a53fc               ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume
    0x1016593f4 <+280>: brk    #0x1

Of course it works on all other platforms, iOS, PC, etc... Just iPhone XS crashes everytime. Now our publisher has blocked the project, and there is no way for us to release it without a fix.

Does anyone have the same issue?
This sounds pretty similar to an issue we're having with Obi Cloth, it crashes on A12 devices (XS, XS Max and Xr) but on no other devices. Details here:
(10-07-2019, 06:17 PM)alkis Wrote: [ -> ]This sounds pretty similar to an issue we're having with Obi Cloth, it crashes on A12 devices (XS, XS Max and Xr) but on no other devices. Details here:

Yep. Looks the same. We have no news from the developer, we received answers last week, then no news. Our game is blocked by the publisher and then by Apple (just in case we submitted it) so we are absolutely stuck here