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Help  Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "extrudedMesh" within the maximum poly
I am working on a closed curve, to simulate and elastic behaviour. this lastic should be manipulated by a rigid object to be hooked on some obstacles and create figures with it. The problem is that after a bit of tention the follision fails, and I think the problem is given by the following 
"Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "extrudedMesh" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. UnityEngine.GUIUtilityLenguarocessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)."
The error refers to the rope model. It seems really strange to me because: 1. the rope meash is not created by me but by obi, 2. i was working on a different Pc and there i didn't get errors of these type.
So i don't unterstand if the error is related to the machine performances or there is any setting that i didn't change
(29-07-2024, 03:54 PM)alicecatalano Wrote: Hello,
I am working on a closed curve, to simulate and elastic behaviour. this lastic should be manipulated by a rigid object to be hooked on some obstacles and create figures with it. The problem is that after a bit of tention the follision fails, and I think the problem is given by the following 
"Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "extrudedMesh" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. UnityEngine.GUIUtilityLenguarocessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)."

The error refers to the rope model. It seems really strange to me because: 1. the rope meash is not created by me but by obi, 2. i was working on a different Pc and there i didn't get errors of these type.
So i don't unterstand if the error is related to the machine performances or there is any setting that i didn't change


This error is caused by Unity's own physics engine when trying to create a convex MeshCollider out of a mesh that has too many polygons.

Does your rope have a MeshCollider component? If so you should remove the component, as collision detection in Obi is performed using particles: no need to have colliders of any kind on a rope.

kind regards
(29-07-2024, 03:57 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi,

This error is caused by Unity's own physics engine when trying to create a convex MeshCollider out of a mesh that has too many polygons.

Does your rope have a MeshCollider component? If so you should remove the component, as collision detection in Obi is performed using particles: no need to have colliders of any kind on a rope.

kind regards
Thanks for the fast response.Yes it does have the mesh collider component. If i shut it down it works better, but i cannot remove it, so i guess it should stay as a shawdow. Thanks again Sonrisa