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Help  Rope going inside table
I have added obi collider to the table and rope. But when we pull the rope, its going inside the table. How to avoid the rope going inside the table or any other obi collider?
(27-05-2024, 05:41 PM)balaji.v Wrote: Hi,
I have added obi collider to the table and rope. But when we pull the rope, its going inside the table. How to avoid the rope going inside the table or any other obi collider?


Without any more info regarding your setup it's very hard to tell what might be the cause. Have you checked the troubleshooting section, specifically "my rope passes trough other objects in the scene"? It points to common pitfalls/issues when setting up collisions:

If the manual doesn't help, could you please give more details regarding your particular use case?

let me know if I can be of further help,

kind regards