I tried with this:
private void AddVelocityToRope(float scale)
var verticalActionValue = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
var shiftPressed = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift);
if (verticalActionValue != 0 && shiftPressed)
var downPressed = verticalActionValue < 0;
var s = 1;
if (downPressed) s = -1;
var bodyForward = _playerController.animator.bodyRotation * Vector3.forward * s;
//SetRopeInvMasses(1 / mass);
//igy egyenesebb a kotel mozgasa, mintha csak 1-et adnank at
for (var i = 0; i < rope.elements.Count; i++)
var addVelocity = (bodyForward * (scale * 10f * maxRopeVelocityScale)).ToVector4();
var v = solver.velocities[rope.elements[i].particle2];
if (v.magnitude <= _newDamping * 2) solver.velocities[rope.elements[i].particle2] += addVelocity * (Time.deltaTime * 10);
But I get not the desitred behaviour.
So how can I add a consistent velocity to all my particles?
+1: How can I ignore bigger velocities than a limit? Sometimes just the rope immediatelly get a big velocity I don't know why...and the rope is just jumping..
private void AddVelocityToRope(float scale)
var verticalActionValue = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
var shiftPressed = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift);
if (verticalActionValue != 0 && shiftPressed)
var downPressed = verticalActionValue < 0;
var s = 1;
if (downPressed) s = -1;
var bodyForward = _playerController.animator.bodyRotation * Vector3.forward * s;
//SetRopeInvMasses(1 / mass);
//igy egyenesebb a kotel mozgasa, mintha csak 1-et adnank at
for (var i = 0; i < rope.elements.Count; i++)
var addVelocity = (bodyForward * (scale * 10f * maxRopeVelocityScale)).ToVector4();
var v = solver.velocities[rope.elements[i].particle2];
if (v.magnitude <= _newDamping * 2) solver.velocities[rope.elements[i].particle2] += addVelocity * (Time.deltaTime * 10);
But I get not the desitred behaviour.
So how can I add a consistent velocity to all my particles?
+1: How can I ignore bigger velocities than a limit? Sometimes just the rope immediatelly get a big velocity I don't know why...and the rope is just jumping..