20-01-2023, 12:08 AM
Just bought Obi Rope, loving it, thanks.
Using Obi Rope for VR and I'm using the ObiContactGrabber script on my hand collider spheres with trigger option checked and then calling Grab and Release when a button is pressed and released. Everything is working perfectly. I can grab and manipulate the rope just like I'd expect. I then go in and check the Surface-based collisions option and run again, the grab is offset a few feet away. It's not where my hand is.
What am I missing? Is this script not compatible with surface-based collisions?
Any help would be appreciated.
Using Obi Rope for VR and I'm using the ObiContactGrabber script on my hand collider spheres with trigger option checked and then calling Grab and Release when a button is pressed and released. Everything is working perfectly. I can grab and manipulate the rope just like I'd expect. I then go in and check the Surface-based collisions option and run again, the grab is offset a few feet away. It's not where my hand is.
What am I missing? Is this script not compatible with surface-based collisions?
Any help would be appreciated.