30-05-2022, 03:28 PM
The game still runs and can build a player but we want it to clear those warnings. For the last one, the suggestion is to replace with a function from the "Not Burst Compatible" API which doesn't seem to be the proper way to fix it.
Are these known issues?
How can we fix these?
- Unity 2021.3.2f1
- Obi 6.4
- Burst 1.6.5
- Collections 1.2.3
- Mathematics 1.2.6
- Jobs 0.50.0-preview.9
Assets\Obi\Scripts\Common\Backends\Burst\DataStructures\NativeMultilevelGrid.cs(34,13): warning CS0618: 'UnsafeList' is obsolete: 'Untyped UnsafeList is deprecated, please use UnsafeList<T> instead. (RemovedAfter 2021-05-18)'
Assets\Obi\Scripts\Common\Backends\Burst\DataStructures\NativeMultilevelGrid.cs(39,32): warning CS0618: 'UnsafeList' is obsolete: 'Untyped UnsafeList is deprecated, please use UnsafeList<T> instead. (RemovedAfter 2021-05-18)'
Assets\Obi\Scripts\Common\Backends\Burst\Solver\BurstSolverImpl.cs(314,13): warning CS0618: 'NativeList<int>.CopyFrom(int[])' is obsolete: 'Please use `CopyFromNBC` from `Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible` namespace instead. (RemovedAfter 2021-06-22)'
The game still runs and can build a player but we want it to clear those warnings. For the last one, the suggestion is to replace with a function from the "Not Burst Compatible" API which doesn't seem to be the proper way to fix it.
Are these known issues?
How can we fix these?