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Softbody with no bones on a rigibodycontroller
(02-02-2023, 01:36 AM)ieltoro Wrote: Hi. using rigibody to move characters around thats in a ball form.
Can you use the softbody without having bones on a rigibody controller? I just want the nice softbody feeling you get when using your softbody but be able to use rigibody controller without having bones (only way I made it work atm).


Most rigidbody setups don't have bones (unless you're using an existing skeleton). See the "BallPool" sample scene, or the "RubberDragon" one.

What do you mean by a "rigidbody controller"? Do you mean a rigidbody-based character controller? If so, you can't have an object be a rigidbody and a softbody at the same time for obvious reasons: a body is either rigid or soft, can't be both at once. A softbody is just like a rigidbody, but "soft": it has its own mass/inertia tensor, its own linear/angular velocities, its own gravity, etc.

If you want to build a character controller on top of a softbody, you can do so in a way similar to what you'd do with a rigidbody: softbodies also have AddForce/AddTorque methods, you can query their position, etc. You can see the "ObstacleCourse" sample scene for a simple softbody controller example.

(02-02-2023, 01:36 AM)ieltoro Wrote: Right now the character glitches out and flies away.
Been trying having the solver and rigibody as a parent, but then the softbody lives its own life and dosnt follow the rigibody parent.

Do you mean having the rigidbody as a parent of the solver? this doesn't make much sense, and is similar to parenting a rigidbody to another rigidbody: the object will be simulated in the space defined by its parent object, which means gravity will be applied to it twice (its parent object falls, then the object falls inside its parent object).

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Softbody with no bones on a rigibodycontroller - by josemendez - 02-02-2023, 08:26 AM